Everything posted by Stardusty
Oky & Jammie's Whack-Off Thread.
Anything new soon? I don't want to be boring, but this is hilarious/awesome topic. I hope it won't be forget.
Luke's 74-z speeder bike
It looks awesome! Idea for pedals is great! What's with the backpack on the back of the speeder. Is it modified?
Dummy Croissant's Coruscant Speeder
Dummy Croissant is one of the most dangerous Coruscant bounty hunters. Armed with his blaster and great skills (yeah, right) he is unstopable and fast. Dummy C. became famous for killing Donut brothers, capturing Fasty Foody, Chocolate Bar and saving Apple Pie from certain death. Once he got enough money, he bought around 150 LEGO pieces to build his own speeder/hovercraft (things that fly all over the Coruscant and elsewhere). After 18 hours of building (because he read instructions wrong 4 times!!!) he finnaly had his own speeder. DC-CS can hover, fly and land almost anywhere. It's armed with 4 blaster cannons positioned on down side of the engines, and those blaster cannons can be used as landing gear, too. Two engines (one on each side) work purely on electricity and can move speeder faster than most of the Coruscant vehicles. Whole speeder is really aerodinamic and on front part of the cockpit it has Dummy C.'s signature: croissant (no kidding ) Pictures: EB Character Rides Personal Vehicle entry by hrcywindu, on Flickr I know background isn't Coruscant, but I couldn't find any Coruscant background (I know, I deserve facepalm). Dummy Croissant's Coruscant Speeder by hrcywindu, on Flickr Blaster cannons used as landing gear by hrcywindu, on Flickr You can see blaster cannons used as landing gear. Dummy Croissant: Dummy Croissant by hrcywindu, on Flickr Rate, see more pictures and comment: I hope you like it!
Krizzik Velari's Airtaxi
First one note: Subject shoudl be name of the vehicle and other thing, written with small letters should be 'Character Rides Personal Vehicle' (in this case). Anyway, your MOC looks great, especially when looked from above. Last picture made my day.
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
I don't get Batman ones. Are the figs from your first one customized? (I am asking the Penguins from Madagascar) I love that cartoon (Penguins). I was ROFL when I saw: "What are you so happy about?" (I like that quote) "Pizza delivery" That one was hilarious. "SpongeBob one" Nice use of globe piece. SpongeBob's face just makes it better.
Yoda's tank
I must admit I have expected something bigger after that UCS Y-wing. Anyway, it's adorable (the tank, not Yoda).
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Good one! I wish there's more Avatar themed MOCs and Funnies (and LEGO sets, too). Second one is also good. @Big Brick: Second one is hilarious!
MOC: Sailor and his last voyage
That's one beautiful MOC, Etzel.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Here's my first one: General Grievous... by hrcywindu, on Flickr Hope you like it! @KingoftheZempk: Now I understand, but that still doesn't fits to the Luke's character. Well, it's nice to know what's the point. Thank you for explaining. EDIT: If you want to check out the MOC:
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Same here. I think it's somehow connected to Ozai, but I guess that Palpatine would be better in that case (only if lighting is used).
I'll consider that earthbending (showing off with the Force is bad idea) and still vote for you. Waiting for Masked's response.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
TUTORIAL: How to print decals
2 reasons: - now it'll stay on first page for some time, so new member/customizers can see it - I liked the tutorial and thanked LuxorV for making it Since this is useful tutorial I think it was worth of it. Or you want to say that new members/customizers need to open completely new topic to ask where to find something like this (like I did ) I don't like to break the rules, and I wouldn't commented it if I was worried that it was against the rules. I'm sorry if I broke some rules...
D2C Contest: Professor Hale's Oasis Hacienda
This is another example of awesome entry. How am I going to vote (or anyone else). I can't stop looking at all those awesome details.
TUTORIAL: How to print decals
Thank you for this awesome tutorial, LuxorV. I can't wait to try it out.
Questions, questions....
Yes, it helps me. Thank you! I'll read those tutorials and start making some decals. I'll see what I will come up with in next few days.
Lego Racers (PC)
I have played both versions and both are great. I like LEGO Racers 2 more. Vertigo and Smash'n'Bash are my favorites (both on Xalax). It's much better racing system. Portal (green brick+3 white bricks) in LEGO Racers (1) is awesome, but some weapons in LR 2 are much better. For exapmle: That yellow bubble that destroys other cars or dark green - translucent red disc.
Questions, questions....
Since I like Avatar: The Last Airbender and LEGO figs are expensive, I'm thinking about making custom figs. List (if anyone is interested): 1. Zuko 2. Toph 3. Iroh (best character in series ) 4. Aang 5. Katara 6. Sokka 7. Azula 8. Mai 9. Ty Lee 10. Ozai 11. June I planned to make everything by myself, but I need help, since I'm going to draw all the decals on the computer. Questions: 1. How are you pro's making decals (torso and face) on the computer (can you explain the procedure)? 2. If I am printing 1600x1200 picture on A4 sheet of paper, what should be size of decal (in pixels) on that picture, so it turns out in size of minifig torso? (it needs to fit on minifig torso) 3. Same thing as second question, but for faces, arms, legs and hips. Everything except decals will be purist, so I don't know long making this 11 figs will take.
D2C Contest: The Walking Pyramid
AT-AT in PQ? It's AWESOME! Good luck with this unique entry.
D2C Contest: Serpent Ruins
It's fantastic. I'm not sure about the playability (lack of figs), but it looks beautiful.
D2C Contest: Treasure hunt on the river Nile
I'm pretty sure you are going to win. Happy Easter!
[WIP] BTL Y-wing starfighter
It looks awesome! I guess I was lucky enough to see it at your house. Since I told you my opinion there, I don't need to repeat how good it looks again.
MOC - ST-T47 Hybrid Fighter
That's best entry yet in the competition. Good luck, my entry won't be as half as good.
Anakin Solo's speeder bike
It's so cute! I like using headlight bricks for legs.
MOC: Nyla and June from Avatar
Now June looks much better. Hair is still short, but it loooks very good. Maybe Zuko vs. Azula (in last episodes) --- a lot of fire. Or some vignette with Zuko and Iroh (and tea ).
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