Everything posted by MDM
Monochrome Minifigures
The hands are white 😔
Monochrome Minifigures
The Ninjago sets with lavender figures are new, probably not added to bricklink yet
Monochrome Minifigures
Blue dragon has lavender legs if I'm not wrong. Fairy with pink wings probably are lavender too.
Monochrome Minifigures
Lego 76389 Harry Potter has a glow in the dark figure
Monochrome Minifigures
Thanks, just placed an order on brick and pieces to get It :)
Monochrome Minifigures
Monochrome Minifigures
The rabbit minifigure from Winnie the Pooh is bright light yellow, right? New hands for the monochrome figure...
Monochrome Minifigures
Lavender hips: Luna Lovegood (75969)
Monochrome Minifigures
Paperballpark thank you very much
Monochrome Minifigures
I know, but light flesh are available on some websites and bricklink, perhaps lavender also are...
Monochrome Minifigures
Finally is medium lavender: Btw is possible to get lavender hips and legs anywhere to complete the monofigure?
Monochrome Minifigures
I found this one:
Monochrome Minifigures
Gilderoy from new Harry Potter 75978. Lavender or medium lavender?
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
If I usually buy on the store, just place a new order, lately there are new figures every week. Some stores offer the same but also, if you're not going to order soon, to refund you.
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Old supergirl from xinh was ok, but not as good as decool's (legs specially)
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Wasp: Spidergwen (the image shows the old render but got new print): If I find some different printing will show you (think the last spiderwoman I got has perfectly printed legs but have to check)
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Can check and post links to buy them (to be sure you get new figs and not old ones)
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Lately I got some old xinh figures again and are really different from old ones.. Decided to compare both: Old one on the left, new on the right. Great improvement on the yellow print. Old on the left, new on center, pogo on the right. Old was really poor. New has same design as pogo, but same old print on hood (better than pogo's). On the other hand... new She-hulk is pretty lame... Print is similar to spiderboy or lightning lad, white legs...
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Xinh also released some Batman dual moulded (Joker Batman, cave Batman) Hope they produce new colors for boots
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Dlp9054 Thanks, removed
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Last figures added to my collection: Posted some stuff on the custom bootlegs thread.
- Customizing Bootlegs
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Tmgt twt blocks store Minifigures wholesale Five-stars blocks store
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Pogo Pink batgirl looks dual moulded too
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Spiderman figures 1-5 from DLP are leyilebrick copies, just checked
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