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  1. This set was In US AND Germany sold - according to brickset.com I didn't had the set so I rebuilt it with SR 3D builder - to take a closer (3D-) look on it. The rebuild was a little bit painful due to tiny instructions scans of this set. I had them from peeron.com, but any other site with instruction scans had no better one. Maybe TheBrickster (or any one else) could upload a higher resolution scan to peeron.com....
  2. @superkalle: You had made a list of some part from this a sended it to the Dev-Team? Was this before the release of LDD 4.0? If yes, are you collecting for the next one or want the Dev-team didn't see anymore?
  3. I was only in some bad mood and just kidding when I'm wrote about the Dev-Team. I know that this wasn't the best thing an adult should do. Beside another AFOLs like Sergio74 write their own version of build programm when they get stucked with missing parts and other features. I think this is the better way then complaning about missing bricks in LDD. Even we all wish that some(many) parts get in....
  4. There are so many parts missing even in Lu. There are 1900+ which are not in yet (LDD 4.0 LU).Well many of these a special bricks, but some are really anyoing that they are not in. I was in a relly crazy mood and made a very huge list with all(almost) missing pices. I know that the dev-Team of LDD woul need some years to get all in (Think so). And then they should add all patterns,too. Yeah much work, no vacancy for the LDD-Team left I attached the huge list to this post, so every one can see it. I think all parts in that list, which are wanted from min. 50 people shoul be added to a most wanted list and send to the dev-team. (as Christmas suprise ) Beside this they have done lot of improvment in LDD 4...Missing bricklist (LDD).txt
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