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Eurobricks Ladies
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  1. Pretty creative use of both the Friends and Elves themes. Love it!
  2. The Ice Queen. Yay for my local Fred Meyers having them today and was able to pick her out easy by feeling. Gotta love that giant brick skirt. Loving that we get a Penguin suit guy and an arctic explorer with a penguin. How cool is that?
  3. Wow, those are looking awesome!! loving the unique hourglass, the shield designs, and more elf characters! Plus those crystal eggs are so neat! More of the magenta leaves, the new flower molds, and purple gems too, yay! can never have too many of those! The fact that the elves are also getting a new styling is a great idea, so it doesn't feel like they're always the same. That way it can feel like I have even more elves by mixing and matching their body parts around. Sounds weird when you say it like that, actually. lol. I'm still behind on the current Elf sets as it is. Thankfully managed to get all from the first wave except the Treetop Hideaway, which is still pictured in the catalog. Sadly some are getting discontinued already. So far Elves is one of the few series I think I can manage collecting every set from. I used to think Friends would be that way, but not anymore with the rate they are making 'em. Disney Princess and Elves are all I shall even attempt to keep collecting every set from.
  4. My sentiments exactly! It'll make up for only having 4 Disney Princess sets in this year's line-up.
  5. My local Fred Meyers had three boxes of em. One mostly empty and one still closed and untouched, the other looking pretty full and tousled around. Being an expert at the dot code deciphering, wasn't concerned about tampering with the closed untouched box. Out of a blind grab of 12, came out with only 2 duplicates. 10 is the most unique figures i've been able to get from any one series thus far. Largely due to funds, and plenty of notice beforehand of the exact release date. Most of the time the minifigures don't last more than a week in stores after the initial release. Here's my collection: Wizard. My initial thought is one wizard is just like the next. Until noticing his cape had sparkly stars all over. Neat! Fairytale Princess. YAY! she's just so cute. Gamer. Got 2. Another use of the headphones hair! Plus neat classic controller. yay. Athena. Nice. Not one i specifically wanted, but a very good piece count for your money. Lifeguard. Companion for my Female lifeguard. Jester. Got 2 Cute. Every princess needs a Jester for entertainment. Pizza Delivery Guy. YAY! What's not to love about him? brand new pizza print too! Piggy Suit Guy. Adorable. simply adorable. Need i say more? Genie Girl. Yay! another i really wanted. Spooky Girl. Different. Neat new hairpiece, and a sad looking teddy bear to add to my LEGO teddy bear collection. Gonna try to grab more next week if they're still available. Really want the rocker guy for his guitar. Might have to break out my feeling senses.
  6. Great review! Just finished putting together my blind bag grab selection and honestly didn't notice the princess had a two-sided face until after reading your review. Ironic, she was the one i wanted most, too. LEGO is still making the dot code on the bottom seam of the bags, which i find easier and less time consuming than the feel method. (Unless you're really strapped for cash and can only afford to buy just a couple figures.) Out of the 12 figures i bought today only two were duplicate, YAY! 10 OF 16.
  7. YAY!! On that small a scale it would be hard to make him smaller than Flounder without him becoming an unrecognizable blob. In fact, with his pinchers, looks almost like he may end up being slightly bigger. Completely forgivable. The important thing is we get him. Only one mermaid sister, and no King Triton, but the Collectible Minifigure King of the Sea could make a fairly good stand in.
  8. Looks almost like those rock panels have a glittery look to them, so that's a plus. It's certainly overdue to have Sebastian! Plus those cool new shells, and pink colored leaves. Wanting to make an aquarium for a while but kinda frustrated with the choices in foliage being mostly shades of green. Yays for more color choices!
  9. That's a great little video, nice job! My first though is that it'd be based on the Wild, Wild West tv series, so a slight bummer, but otherwise looks good. The black lines throughout really add a bit of that 'old' look.
  10. These are really neat! love the way you started this thread with the Squire of Gothos. Quite clever, and would be highly illogical not to.
  11. They actually had a pretty extensive Soccer theme years ago, which in fact helped to start the whole sports theme if i remember correctly. They were designed with stickers for the various different countries. Brazil, Greece, USA, Canada, Mexico, and maybe a few others. Can't remember exactly. Spent a good many hours playing LEGO Soccer with my siblings. Fond memories. Given the choice, i'd totally bring Belville back, and find a way to resurrect and expand Paradisa. Granted, there's only so much you can do keeping restricted to a beach/vacation setting. Certainly tennis courts, beach volleyball, fishing, dolphin show, luxury cruise ships, etc. could be worked into it. Maybe at least do a LEGO Legends reissue of a couple of them.
  12. Not too worried about that considering they'll be releasing in a matter of months.
  13. Well said. Loving the color schemes, and variety of new pieces. Cute littly foxy! What does the fox say? "Show me the Carfax!" All these picture/set related links are getting pulled as fast as they're being posted. Bummer However there is yet another blog site that has all of the 6 glorious sets pictured. Just search Kollectobil. Here's hoping by not posting the actual links LEGO won't come along and try to remove them. They've got pictures for most of the new 2015 LEGO sets. They've got a search bar on their site too, so type in 'Elves', and you'll find 'em. Between the new Disney Princess and the Elves lines, my wallet is going to hurt..
  14. Definitely. They at least printed Sebastian on a brick for the Duplo Ariel princess. Because of the Friends line they've been exploring all kids of fun animals and-redesigning already existing LEGO animals. Maybe they finally figured out a Sebastian-type animal, as a printed brick wouldn't go so well on the smaller mini-doll scale. If Sebastian doesn't come with this new Ariel set i'll definitely . or maybe even .
  15. Most likely you're reading too much into it, unfortunately. Remember the 'Royal Crystal Palace'? It started the Belville Cold North line and only contained 3 Crystal blue snowflakes and 6 crystal medium blue gems/diamonds. Pretty much lacked in the terms of 'crystal'. The reboot of it, the 'Winter Wonder Palace' however had crystal snowflakes and like a ton of the trans blue crystal rock pieces. Seriously, they got the names backward. Ironically the characters of Princess Vanilla and Princess Flora resemble Elsa and Anna so much, that people are marketing the Cold North Belville line as LEGO Frozen on Ebay. Not going to keep my hopes up for something as nice as the projects on LEGO Ideas, but definitely looking forward to it. :wub: Another Ariel set intrigues me too.
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