Everything posted by Pedilego
- 2016 Lego trains
2016 Lego trains
Hi guys, I already know this isn't the right spot for this; sorry, but my permissions are still out of whack and I can't even view my own profile "You are not permitted to view profiles." lol I think because I haven't hit my 10 post count. No clue what I have now and I'm not going to just spam to reach it and hope that works. So here goes: We just bought an Emerald Night for our modular city (if you had a nickle for every time you've heard that, right?) and we have two tables: 29.5" x 76.75 and 29.5 x 47.25. They'll be placed as if to make a 29.5" x 127 table, which should be just wide enough for an oval using the standard straight and curved pieces we want to use, except there will be a 6" gap between them though so we want two ovals connected by a single track, sort of like this: O_O I anticipate our 10 modulars will barely fit into a standard oval on the larger table and our Winter Village into the almost-circle on the smaller one so space for track shennanigans is limited. I considered the double crossover piece that looks like an "X" but the straight piece in the middle of the turns means the then extended semi-circles won't fit. So only other option, besides giving up and just doing an oval on the larger table or taking up an enormous amount of space through the middle of our would-be-town, is 2x Switching Tracks back-to-back. Is it possible it have 3 curved pieces extending from the curved part of the Switch Track to make it to the center and then 4 more curves going to opposite/standard-oval direction, so that it has the same diameter as the 8-curve semi-circle that would barely fit as is? Any other ideas?
10251 Brick Bank
Hmm is it blue or gold?
Modulars - how many of each do you have?
^Wow at Follows Closely. Niiice I have one of each for personal display except Market Street (none) and Grand Emporium and Town Home (two). We just got CC and GG; really looking forward to building them. (We have spares of Town Hall, Fire Brigade, Pet Shop+Town Home, and Grand Emporium to sell/trade.) Why? Market Street is expensive and doesn't look great. We want it but it was the lowest on our priority list and is still below VW Bakery and Post Office, and Emerald Night. We bought a second Pet Shop set and kept the Town Home because it looks soo much better with a mirror. We created custom furniture and had our minifigure representatives (and dogs) "move in" to the spare : ) GG looks even better from pictures I've seen but it's so expensive. The Pet Shop's second and third floors just looked like they were dragging on/repeating too long relative to the other modulars. We'd have to double (or more!) all the others to retain scale, so we sold the Pet Shop mirror. Grand Emporium is the modular you could have infinite of and it would still look good because department stores come in all sizes. I'm limiting myself to two (for now?) just because cost lol All of the corner modulars would look good as a 2-of though. imo DO and PR are best as 1-ofs (unless everything is scaled up). Cafe Corner and Town Hall are probably the ones in my mind that benefit most from an extra floor but will consider "improvements" after we check everything off our wanted list. One thing I haven't seen yet is a PC with an extra floor. Maybe instead of the arches, those windows go straight and continue to lead upward to the next floor with the curved ones. Fire Brigade would be nice as a 3-or-4-of because the numbers but scale. I think it'd look silly having it that long compared to a standard PR. Perhaps a mod to have just the 3-4 fire truck entrances in the middle of the side doors on a 32x64 setup. So yeah, that's my logic for 1-of each except Town Home and GE... for now.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Hi everybody, officially joining the club here; my wife and I just bought FB GE and TH so we'll have all but the first three. We've hit our wall since even used CC MS and GG sets are over $500. Reprints would be nice (GG is her favorite of all 10) but anything to continue expanding our city. : ) I think pretty much all the ideas out there sound great, potential wise, just as long as the execution is good. So true. I thought the same thing when building it. Unfortunate the arcade was debunked. Could've tossed it across the street just to bug everybody trying to watch 3 Clicks. > : )
- [MOC] Detective's Office/Newsagent/Barber Shop modulars
S@H does it always take that long?
I want to say I placed orders for PAB and the Ferris Wheel on... August 26th, before the free pirate set but not when it was just a day or two away. I received the Ferris Wheel a couple weeks later and received my PAB order this past Monday or Tuesday, over 3-weeks later. I live in a major US metro area, too. I think it took over a month to get the single part that was missing from my Parisian modular. Barring circumstances, I'll be visiting one of the Lego stores within 15-30 minutes from here on out.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Star Wars Constraction 2015 Discussion
I've always thought these looked silly but Grievous looks awesome.
- [MOD] Grand Carousel
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Right. They just want a higher number of "future" collectors" and re-releases could actually drive more purchases/increase the number of collectiors. My wife and I just started collecting modulars. We have PR, PC, and PS. We're considering another one or two but if they were to re-release GG and CC? We'd feel pretty committed to getting as much as reasonably possible and would buy the DO (and future ones despite how mediocre we think the building is) after all.
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