Boogie Instructions
I'm finally making Lego trains a priority. I want to build some of the boogies shown in the instructions at what is the best resource for me to find the part numbers for each piece so I can purchase everything at bricklink? For example, Thank you
ME Models Track for Sale
I'll probably get reprimanded for posting this for sale ad here, but I have 1xR104 Me-Models half circle and 1xR88 (I think) half circle for sale. Both are still in their original packaging. Say $35 for each plus shipping. I'd prefer to sell both to the same person. PM me.
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
Is a short conversion track really upsetting you that much that you're going to critique ME Model's project from the comfort of your armchair?
Kickstarter: ME Models Tracks for both metal and ABS only track pieces
Honestly, none of the track connectors Lego has ever used is all that great, but for non conductive rails it's fine. The other thing is that electric model trains have used either pins or sheet metal rail joiners for over 60 years. The reason rail joiners haven't gone away is becuase it works. Lego's solution is expensive and can have a bad connection. Also, if you're going to criticize ME Model's product then design and sell something better.
VirginiaLUG? Richmond, VA?
Any information on why the RichLUG went under? Thank you for the invitation but I can't make it this weekend.
VirginiaLUG? Richmond, VA?
I was wondering if there are any LUG's in Va and/or Richmond?
- A simple way to make 9v metal track
Custom 9V tracks
In the middle of each section there is a 2x8. One problem that plagues other scales is maintaining the electrical connection. One design feature of the Lego 9v track was that connection is far more secure. this idea using the old 4.5v grey plastic track holds the rails pretty securely....this coupled with a rail joiner would make the connection secure.
Custom 9V tracks
Custom 9V tracks
Coaster, Those renderings look great. Why not metal wing rails for the switches? How durable will the tabs be longterm for holding the rail? I cant PM but I have a few CAD drawings myself. I'd like to show you my idea... John
Grey 4.5v Plastic Track Dimensions --
Coaster that is amazeballs. Would you send that to me attached to an email?
Bluebrick Layout Software
BlueBrick and Mac OS.....I'm guessing no one has ported it?
Grey 4.5v Plastic Track Dimensions --
Despite a lot of research on the internet I cannot find a webpage that mm dimensions of the 1980's vintage plastic grey train track. Does anyone have those measurements? The cross tie plate is the standard 3.2mm, but i want to know the rest of the dimensions.
Custom 9V tracks
Why didnt ME-Model's metal straight rails stay on the market....I found this link which clearly says the rails were commercially available. What was the price?
Custom 9V tracks
Making an adapter piece to go from Lego brand to aftermarket brand would be so much easier. I don't see why that is such a big deal.... Everyone wants to ditch the small radius curves so then it's a case of an adapter track to use the Lego brand straights, which maintains everyone's investment as much as they were going to maintain it. Let's face it, new radius curves and switches the Lego brand will hit the used market.
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