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Everything posted by LegoScot

  1. Lug member? YES (president of MichLUG- Michigan,USA) Actively? DOUBLE YES (our LUG does about 20 shows each year, this year we had almost a full year of "days with displays", due to multiple shows at the same time. I participate in over half of them, with loads of MOCs and organization. Online? Hmmmm.... You can tell by the number of posts I have made that my focus is DEFINETLEY on my LUG, and not online, but I've never said no to a challenge involving LEGO, so who knows.... It is very intresting to read how SEPERATE a seemingly large portion of the online community is from the LUG community.
  2. I'm largely a non-technic builder, with a heavy focus on archeticture. As president of my LUG I always search for ways to do more with the resources I have, and this sounds like a valuable resource, so if today is a lucky day, I'd love to have a copy of that book sent to my home in Michigan, USA. "technic for teh win"
  3. Super duper entries!!!! Nova Star- Winter Chapel - 1pt Brick Zone - Holiday Inn - 1pt Kazeneko - Greenhouse 1pt Super Bagel - Post office 1pt Dix - tram station 1pt What a wonderful community this turned out to be
  4. I look forward to buying several copies of this set. One question the review leaves me with are the "plates" that they are built on, they look like larger standard plates, but they were listed as "thicker" base plates. Regardless this set truly looks like a keeper, and will probably rival the number of Tan creator family homes I've purchased this year. Thanks for the review! Scot.
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