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  1. Great job my friend keep up the good work :-)
  2. Being a parent myself I can only guess at the depths of your pain, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  3. Hi, All of the new part images are 3D renders. I can tell just by how they look and adding DOF is really easy. Just a little background info, I have been professionally creating models in Lightwave for about 10years. I wish they were real as I can see how useful they would be :-) Cheers, Ed
  4. e-ronin replied to e-ronin's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thanks Fuzzy, I've read the rules and everything seems to be in order :-)
  5. e-ronin posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Hello all, Found this great Battlestar Galactica scene on MOC pages done by 2x4 http://mocpages.com/moc.php/260180 Personally I prefer the new series but this classic version is done so well I am really impressed. Just thought I'd share this, hope I'm not breaking some unknown website rules as I know sometimes sites that carry similar content don't always get along. Cheers, Ed (Certifiable Sci-Fi Nut)
  6. 8070-1 is in stock on the Toys R Us website in the US for $119 !!! I just ordered one and it should be here by Monday :-)
  7. The commercial food equipment that the problems were noted on are not hot and it happens on the simplest mechanical parts (slide rails on mixers, indexing mechanism on slicers etc...), it's the nature of veg based oils when they dry to become very gummy due to their organic make up and this builds up layers that resemble tar, this tar evens builds up on non-moving parts which is a clear indicator that it's being used. The areas people apply this are almost always shielded due to mechanical parts which prevents sanitizing agents access to them during normal cleaning, also most table based equipment are cleaned with light soapy water and a rag then sanitized with a chem based solution so no heat is involved at all. Any brand of mineral oil works fine as they all share the same basic properties and can be purchased cheaply at most pharmacys and grocery stores, this is preferable to petroleum based lubes that can break down plastics and are mostly toxic. I respect your questions and hope I've clarified my reasons a little better, I'd hate for someone to ruin something when it can easily be prevented but to each their own. Oh silicone based oils also work great. Ed
  8. Hello all, I'd avoid using any type of vegetable lube (olive oil, veg oil, cooking spray etc...) on anything. After a while it breaks down and forms a tar like substance that is very hard to clean off and is extremely sticky. As a better alternative light mineral oil can be picked up cheaply, it does not leave any lasting residue, will not hurt plastic or metal and is also non-toxic. I spent years working as a tech for a company that produced commercial food equipment and I cannot count how many time I've seen people ruin their equipment using olive oil or cooking spray. Just my 2 cents hope I helped someone from trashing their parts (No flame intended). Ed from NH
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