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Brick Smiley Productions

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Haha Slice of SNOT and cheese. It's nice but some more texture in water would be nice.
  2. Is it true that euro sets are more expensive than usd sets? And yeah, Kim which store had 50% off? Pretty please?
  3. By the sound of all these sets, there are going to be some sweet minifigs! The idea that they are having two droids and two clones in a bp sounds nice for a good battle but it results in alot more duplicates. And I'm really excited that all these figs they are releasing now used to be in $50+ sets but are availible for $10-20. Like the sandtroopers and ARF, AT-TE driver, etc... Looking good!
  4. I personally think sheep's looks better. But it's a nice set anyway, good review. Now to hit bricklink
  5. Looks nice for printed bricks (or not) and some minifigs. It's already got me in the holiday spirit.
  6. Wow those black sails were genius on TLG's part!
  7. next you should move the green beams and light them up to make it look like it was warming up to fire. Looks good!
  8. Sorry if I missed it but how many peices are here?
  9. It looks good but I agree with comments above regarding that it needs to be longer and a bit more in proportion with the inside greebles space and the outside part.
  10. Here are some what I think are helpful tips: 1. LEGO can be expensive That's why I buy for less whenever I can. There are many ways of acquring LEGO and if you are building specific sets there are loads of instructions on the web (go visit brickset.com) and getting parts for them (bricklink). 2. LEGO can be tiring Sometimes after two hours of staring at the little booklet trying to finish building the set, you get tired hunched in your seat, your eyes hurt looking for pieces and trying to figure out how to put it together, etc... So sometimes it is nice to have a small side project like building minis or looking at other things. 3. LEGO is hard to sort If you are building models only then you won't need to go through tens of thousands of little plastic bits but if you are go look for a plastic tool box with lots of drawers to store different pieces and small tackle boxes for smaller pieces, also having a gigantic box is nice to keep unsorted or 'scrap' LEGO 4. Have Fun The most important part is to have fun for that is the whole purpose of LEGO, it even means that in dutch (I think) play well. Good Luck!
  11. This mask is not cutting it for me The trans brick thing under looks much better. I don't think I like this HF 3.0 sorry if I'm being a downer but I don't understand why TLG switched from Bionicle to HF, the storyline could have lasted at least 5 more years if not forever. Oh well, hope they bring it back some day...
  12. I was expecting that as they got upgraded they would actually get upgraded! They look pretty much the same, not much bulkier, in my opinion 2.0 was better than 3.0
  13. Looks like a good selection of parts but I would need a price to make a decision. Anybody have any idea?
  14. Nice review, entertaining for a barely passable set. 3.0 looks worse than 2.0. More like a downgrade than an upgrade. He is smaller and looks puny. eh, all my opinion though which isn't much considering I don't like HF at all. More of a Bionicle fan.
  15. One other thing you can do is right click and open in a new tab.
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