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A Gallifreyan Cat

Eurobricks Citizen
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About A Gallifreyan Cat

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    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    LEGO, RC cars, model railroading, and building plastic model kits.


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  1. Now you've just got to build a Falcon Heavy at the same scale!
  2. I like putting them in a vice and slowly tightening it, and watching the low-quality plastic slowly get squished. But I have also tried burning them and a few other fun, evil things.
  3. This is like what I do to megabloks, but without the hydraulic press.
  4. Well, it looks like our new Korean members have decided to spam General LEGO Discussion.
  5. I keep seeing references to the Rocking Horse spam. Where can I read this fascinating piece of literature?
  6. I like how you used the forced perspective in the scene!
  7. >MANTIS HQ, Aviation Control Department >0700 Hours "So the Mandalakian golfer says to the camel".... "Hi Guys! I'm Alex, the new intern! I'm really excited to work here! I love flying spaceships! How can I help out? Can I do anything?" *Sigh* (Quietly, to self) "Who asked for this new guy?" "Yeah, if you want to be of any help, get us some more coffee." "OK! Great! I love getting people coffee! Did I tell you that I just love working with spaceships?" *Sluuuuuurp....BOOM!* "Gah!" To be continued...
  8. I really like your wall techniques, and the furniture. A great build.
  9. Wow, I am 100% going to try that floor technique.
  10. Tying his rowboat down to the dock, Hector stepped over the icy rocks, and up to the door of his cottage. It wasn't much, but it was home. He supposed a world-class cartographer deserved better, but money said otherwise. He stepped inside, lit a fire, and settled down to another nice evening. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Here is the whole scene:
  11. We've got plenty of that where I am!
  12. Probably not for another few weeks. :( I am away from my LEGO for a while.
  13. It seems that you too use the same map as all the other cartographers...
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