Well, as for me, I haven't got anything against Chinese parts. I dislike lower quality. The problem is that this goes pretty much hand in hand!
I fully respect your need not discriminate Chinese labour, Anchir! But believing that the quality of pieces manufactured in China will improve more than ever so slightly is wishful thinking! There's a reason TLG built some new factories in China rather than anywhere else. They want cheap labour, and are willing to sacrifice equivalent quality for that. If that wasn't true, than they had better create new factories in the Czech republic, any other European country, or maybe even Mexico, but certainly not in China.
Sorry, but outsourcing some production plants to CHINA knowing that quality isn't top notch but with the intention of getting the quality to match Danish Lego in the end, that would be stupid.
On the other hand, though, I really think that you, MinifigFreak, are taking this whole thing too seriously. Of course you're entitled to have your own opinion, but actually, chinese parts in regular sets don't REALLY differ from regular parts. I mean, specialty parts have ALWAYS looked a bit different than others, haven't they? At least they don't concern me in regular sets. And I'm veeery pedantic. ;)
Yet it's an entirely different story with minifig parts. They are noticably lower quality and they are annoying me. I don't buy any magnet packs, for that reason. But you can undoubtedly buy ANY regular set without concern, if you ask me. Disliking Chinese plastic is difficult already (e.g. incomprehending bricklink sellers), so let's not extend this to regular sets.