Everything posted by Enpaz
Choosing the title is always the hardest part
Welcome! A fine introduction you've got there. I can understand your aversion to the big boy you bought yourself.
Lego is out of their minds!
I have to agree with you, they are damn expensive. Their strategy about it is not insane, however, because I'm afraid those spinner packs will sell like hotcakes nonetheless. Remember, their job is to make as much money as they can, not making money of exactly you or me. They don't greatly appeal to me because of - yeah, you've guessed it - the high price and the cheap, cheap plastic which I hate! But I'm nothing in comparison to the big market out there. Why should people who are used to buying Magic the Gathering decks for 13 euros refrain from buying a Lego minifig, a spinner and some cards for 10 euros? NinjaGo is combining two big interests of many, many children and that's why I expect that the "game-based" sets will be a success for TLG.
Your Lego Christmas Haul Thread
He probably meant the very large sets. Towerbridge and suchlike!
Happy New Year from a new member and fellow maniac
WELCOME! Enjoy the 2011 sets, they are awesome!
Good day, monsieur! Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Your Lego Christmas Haul Thread
Quite a beauty, ain't it? I myself assembled it over Christmas...
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Best sets to get for SNOT pieces?
A piece that allows you to build in a way that in the end, the Studs are Not On Top (=SNOT). For example a 1x1 brick with a stud on the side - this is a SNOT brick because you could attach another piece to its side so that there's no stud of the attached piece showing to the top of the assembly. Clear enough?
The Emperor's Christmas Arrival
Hey, no problem! I just was annoyed about the fact that my entry was being attacked because of my opinion about another entry. And by the way, it's not like I dislike your entry or anything. I actually like it. I merely disagree with the masses (Yeah, Solscud - in fact Walter Kovacs and me are the minority) immediately shouting "Oh, that's so great, you'll win first place" only because an entry is "lavish".
What did you do on New Year's Eve?
I agree with that statement. There's loads of idiots out there on New Year's Eve. You wouldn't believe the number of accidents caused by fireworks and shit!
VOTING THREAD: The best LEGO sailing ships (minifig illusion scale)
25. The Maeve Aulsebrook - 3 17. Tornado of Souls - 2 10. French Navy Xebec - 1 9. Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion - 1
10155 Maersk Line Container Ship
Wow, that's some sweet piece of information! Will definitely get it - who's with me on this? EDIT: Well, if it's 109 euros I have to think about it.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
That really seems probable to me! And I'd love the fact.
Welcome! Have a nice time.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The AAT is really bad but I like the Venator!
Most Annoying and Best Adverts in your Country?
I haven't seen one in a while but I've always loved the Mercedes commercials! They're so creative, and not just like any other car commercial which would be simply the car going through all sorts of rough terrains or something.
Characters from FINAL FANTASY LEGO: Crystal Hearts
Yes, they go together perfectly! That's why I thought Brisigne utilised a decal. Ingenious!
What did you do on New Year's Eve?
Nice one - but I hope there were Star Wars sets among them. That snow's a trap! Sorry to hear that, though.
UCS Imperial Landing Craft
That's a masterpiece, cavegod! The shape is perfect and I love all the greebles... Cheers!
Jungle River (7410) - Overview and Photography
I love your reviews, this one was hilarious again! Your comics are great quality, too. My only little complaint constructive feedback is that you could provide a pic of the complete set much earlier or at least show the shrine earlier and still in the "review" part. This would make the review aspect of it better. The humor one is awesome, anyway. Enpaz
Any shop@home discount codes?
I just tried. In my country, it doesn't. May be different in the USA, though.
The Emperor's Christmas Arrival
So you think this contest is about creating a good MOC? That's where we completely disagree. My entry focuses on photography while Mos_Eisley's focuses on his impressive collection of Star Wars minifigs. At least that's my opinion and how I see things. If you cannot see that there was effort put into the photography of my entry and view it as just a regular photo showing a MOC with focus on the MOC taken in 2 seconds then it's a pity. I am not in any way saying my entry would be better than Mos_Eisley's, too. I did my best, though, and if you don't like my entry, that's fine with me.
Any shop@home discount codes?
It appears nobody has any code... besides, for that matter, I'd check the Buy, Sell and Trade forum every now and then because this is were codes and discounts are usually shared with the community. But feel free to contact me if you get one!
What did you do on New Year's Eve?
Maybe building some Lego would be a viable option, Mr Lifetime? Seems like I didn't consider the different time zones. Just reply tomorrow, all of you! Greetings from Austria!
Characters from FINAL FANTASY LEGO: Crystal Hearts
I don't know how those characters look for real, but they look great anyway! Great job on combining both decals and genuine Lego parts! Enpaz
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