Everything posted by Enpaz
Lego jobs video reveals 2011 sets!
I'm sure that wasn't on purpose, with them having delete all pics of new sets they find. Nice find!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I completely agree with the guy who said we needed a new droideka! I haven't got a single one yet and am not willing to pay 15 euros on BL. I too hope we'll get one (one? some! ) soon - at least it would be a good selling point to both children and AFOLs.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I'll definitely get the set with the cannibals, if not all of them! I love the fact Pirates is coming back...
4736 Freeing Dobby Review
Nice review! This is a set I actually like, but which I still probably will not get. Should I indeed happen to pick it up sometime, it will be an impulse purchase. 'Cause you know, the set, if pretty good, ain't outstanding and the funds are badly needed for Star Wars! Would be my first HP set, though. And I certainly would appreciate a Harry Potter fig, too. Meh, let's see. At any rate, the set's above average for me. Enpaz
What did you do on New Year's Eve?
Hi there! So what did you do on New Year's Eve? I, for one, shared most of the evening with my family. Then, I built some Lego and afterwards I was out for a short time. Short time because I noticed that going out on New Year's Eve is extremely lame, at least in my city. Firstly, there was (much to my surprise) absolutely nothing going on and those firecrackers and New Year rockets are hell. That noise is deafening! I have to admit, though, that some especially bright people putting pyrotechnic articles into rubbish bins and then running away were pretty amusing. Now I'm watching a movie. I'm looking forward to hearing your experience and wish you a happy new year! Enpaz
Hey fellow LEGO fans!
Hello there! Somehow your name is reminiscent of that of a clone trooper - does a trooper called "Fives" exist? At least I know Fixer and Sev, of who your name is a pretty good tie. May the new year be with you! Enpaz
Most Wanted
Sorry but I can't recognize anything save for the flames. Maybe my browser settings are adjusted a bit too dark. EDIT: Well, now I saved the image on my PC and brightened it up. I have to say it's quite nice! Much to dark, though - I'd recommend you to upload a brighter version. Just do it manually, no need to take a new photograph. Cheers!
MOC: Zenko-ji Temple, Nagano, Japan
Yeah man, this is great! And so accurate to the real thing. The roofs are perfect! Keep on brickin'
[For Trade] BrickArms weapons
First post edited with updated quantities. You can also buy them with cash now.
Things that changed Lego forever
It has probably been mentioned before but the thing that really changed Lego the most by far is... *drumroll* Definitely the switch from using wood to using plastic.
Preparing for Santa
Great job, brings across a feeling of... how do I put this... industriousness, activity, hastiness perfectly. Also you did a very good job on the kitchen which just nicely adds to the effect described above. Enpaz
A Little Kiss Under the Mistletoe... Droid
A wonderful photo! I really like it. The effects are great.
Winter Patrol
I'd go with the original photo anyway! It's great photography - perfect composition and lighting - and this is what the contest is about. My compliments! The second and third one are almost a bit too cramped in comparison to the first. If you definitely want to take either the 2nd or the 3rd shot, though, then by all means take the 2nd. The third one is much too dark in my opinion. Cheers!
The Emperor's Christmas Arrival
I totally agree with you, Walter! Like you said, the contest isn't about the most amazing MOC but rather about the most amazing photography. And judging from the photographic aspect, it's not that amazing. Just a pretty normal picture of a MOC, even if it's of an impressive one, if you ask me. Cheers!
Bonjour from France
Welcome to Eurobricks! You are going to improve your English on here for sure.
Merry Christmas!
Actually, he's going to open them! Whether they are legimately his or belong to another person (along with the house ) is up to your imagination. Cheers! And thanks for the kinds words.
Review: 10215 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter
Nice review, mutley! I kind of like this set but hate the fact that a major part of the upper surface is just plain flat. How does that look in reality? Cheers!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Well, I thought that too but there's always the chance they're making it one piece... technically it's the same as the Savage Oppress head, isn't it? Dunno if that one works with a hood. Anyway, good to hear you find it impossible.
Tiger Shark Attack (#7773) - Overview and Photography
I actually really like your approach to a review. It kind of makes me want the set more than some of the real reviews out there. Great photography and hilarious comics! Enpaz
Oky & Jammie's Whack-Off Thread.
Your last one was great, Jammie! Hilarious, keep it up dudes.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Guys, do you think Darth Maul can still wear a hood with those horns? I hope he can! It would add to his darkness...
Happy New Year from Eurobricks!
Happy new year! May 2011 bring us even more happy bricking, friendship and happiness! Cheers!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, that Slave I mini model is stunning! Unless the price skyrockets like with the Indiana Jones jeep I'll definitely pick one, or two, or three ( ) up. I've been wanting to buy a mini of the Slave I for quite some time and now when TLG's releasing a pretty good new one I won't pass up this opportunity. Cheers! Enpaz
Happy Birthday SlyOwl!
Happy birthday! Have a nice one!
The assassination of Hendrik Schmutz
I have to agree with KielDaMan, it's very cool. Most notably your use of Power Functions which just go superbly with the MOC. I don't know the film scene, though, so I cannot comment on accuracy. Anyway, keep it up!
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