Everything posted by Enpaz
Movies you can't unsee!
I find the movie horrible too! Not because of bad acting on the part of Mr. Depp (which, by the way, means "idiot" in German) but due to the lame storyline... well, maybe I just don't like chocolate enough!
I find it rather interesting that Cornelius in fact won. Didn't think we'd find a winner on here so quickly! Free Lego is free Lego, you're absolutely right!
Hello from Another Continent
Hello MetalRufflez! Nice to meet you. I agree with you, the limited accessibility to Lego in some countries or continents is truly a shame. Even I find myself complaining about European prices at times whereas you Brazilian guys have to pay approximately 1500 American bucks for that NXT robot (which is a great set, by the way ). Cheers!
It's funny because I thought the exact same thing! Good job!
Mr. Vader Finds His Lot in Life
Yeah, it's really good!
Rob the rich... to level up!
Truly awesome! Like BigCam, I haven't seen a proper forestmen MOC for a while too. The interior in the building is superb. Really great job on this. Cheers!
Expand the Winter Village Contest Voting Thread
kost u grlu: 1 point Dix: 1 point brickcitydepot: 1 point Blackicep8ntball: 1 point dede_la_fee: 1 point
How open are you about your Lego passion?
Dudes, don't be ashamed of playing with Lego! Heck, if you still have the ability to play with it and enjoy your Lego like a child does, you should be proud of it! Now that really shows who's still got imagination... don't let social conditioning make you feel bad about playing! If you still have this ability, try to keep it and keep it like a treasure. I'm serious.
What was the last movie you watched?
I just saw "American Gangster" on television and it is a pretty good film! En plus, it's based on a true story. Very thrilling at times, especially in the end, so I'd recommend watching it if you see it on TV sometime.
What did you buy today?
Why would you need such huge quantities of one set? What do you do with 58 Jesters? And 99 far... - oh yes, the pigs. You should really consider going for the $100000 a month mark! That'd yield you a lot of glory... you'd be a goddamn LEGEND!!
Merry Christmas!
No, it's not! It's the natural scenery surrounding the house. Seriously though, IMO it looks good. At one point, I considered an even more simple backdrop - a drawn landscape!
How open are you about your Lego passion?
I guess I had some problems with it in the beginning, but I'm getting better and better at sharing it with the world. When questioned about it, just show them your passion. Tell them you can build anything you could ever imagine out of bricks and that your only restriction is your own creativity. EDIT: Oh, and it certainly makes it more understandable for people if you use the term "build" rather than "play". Anyway, I prefer to use "play".
Lions & Dragons
Uhmmm, let me count... 9 dragons and 5 lions!
What are you listening to?
YAY! I love it. There's a man who leads a life of danger... to everyone he meets he stays a stranger... with every move he makes, another chance he takes... odds are he won't live to see tomorrow... ♪♫♪♫ JimButcher, that Dexter thing is pretty good! Haven't heard it before. Who knows Outasight? Now they are really not famous. "Good evening" should give you a sample of their music.
Bloody Dagger ( Brickbeard's Bounty custom)WIP
Just in case you didn't know, you can get one sail for 1 dollar on BrickLink. I mean, not that you buy another Brickbeard's Bounty just for the sails or mostly because of the sails.
Missing Stickers
I didn't experience stickers missing on the whole, but with my Clone Wars AAT set (8018 I think) some were halfway torn off the sheet. Were still usable, though.
Which set should I buy?
Well, well, well... if you can still get your hands on the Space Police III set "Smash 'N' Grab" (purple one) I'd recommend you to get it. The price is pretty good, especially considering the potential discount. If you like Star Wars, go for the new Battle Packs, or just one of them. Both are super-awesome! If you're not much of a Star Wars guy, then perhaps you're interested in the NinjaGO theme? Should that be the case, the small set which def reviewed a few days ago is definitely for you!. Cheers!
Review: 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack
At last, with the 2011 ones, Battle Packs include not only great figs but also great vehicles! I've just noticed the BARC speeder's the same as the one in the Luminara set (Proton Cannon) and I find it to be lovely. Just don't get me started on the minifigs - amazing, truly amazing. 2011 is going to be so awesome! Enpaz
REVIEW: 7869 Battle for Geonosis
This is one of the 2011 sets which I'm definitely going to buy! Everything from the minifig selection (Luminara ) and the BARC speeder to the Proton Cannon is just perfect! Thanks very much Starstreak, your reviews are awesome. Cheers!
These aren't the trees ...
I like it very much! The blurry trees and bushes in the background are great!
Jabba's Prize
Great shot, AC! As KDM already pointed out, the lightning is really, really good. Good luck for the contest!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas... everyone! Clicking the picture takes you to its flickr page.
Review: 7931 Jedi T-6 Shuttle
Thanks for the nice review! As I have thought, I will probably buy the figs off BrickLink and leave the shuttle alone. At 50% discount I'd consider picking up the whole set but otherwise it gets a No! from me. Furthermore, 75 euros are ridiculous and much more expensive than its price in any other currency. Enpaz
Things that changed Lego forever
As others have already pointed out, a major change is the more and more complex builds for some sets. You've got all those different kind of bricks and TLG is not just stacking them any more. Additionally, there's the Chinese production issue which I find quite annoying. Enpaz
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