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Eurobricks Vassals
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About jameseilers

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  1. Thank you!
  2. Look good, and the proportions for the fuselage are spot on. For the wings going with a SNOT method might give you a better shape or you could try the 4x9 wing pieces (https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=2413#T=C)
  3. All, sorry for not getting back for a few months, I should have setup notifications for this thread... LINK REMOVED That ZIP contains the LXF and instructions! I would love to see your builds!
  4. Hi James, any chance I could get the Tie Silencer Lxf file off you? Would love to mod my original into your perfect rendition! Thanks in advance! (Please send to: piran @ outlook . com )

  5. Thanks!
  6. Finally finished my TIE Silencer build. The cockpit is very similar to the official set and big shout out to Rebel Builder for inspiration for the wing design. If anyone is in the instructions, LXF and parts list I have developed shoot me a PM on here or Flick.
  7. Wow, I love this. I would kill for a breakdown or LDD file. Scale is great and the posable legs seal the deal for me.
  8. Well I thought my Naboo Fighter was really cool... until I saw this -___- Amazing model. Nailed it. One thing I'm curious, on is how sturdy is it?
  9. Now that I have the official Lego model I'm going to build it, see what changes I might make to my model and then order the extra pieces I need. Thanks!
  10. New pieces I noticed. I did not find anything new from the new Star Wars sets released today. 21310 - OLD FISHING STORE -old guys head -cash register (roof brick) -1x4 printed wood tile -2 different 2x2 map tiles
  11. Anti-spoiler or... living under a rock? haha http://www.starwars.com/databank/tie-silencer Ok, some updates. Re-worked the aft end and engines, tips of the wings and blasters and the coloring. Next is the interior. Here is the LXF Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 21.09.28 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 10.35.38 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 10.35.47 by James Eilers, on Flickr
  12. Yes, still need to finish the wingtips. I'll try and get the LXF up tonight or tomorrow.
  13. Here is version 1 of the TIE Silencer based on all of the revealed photos and taking some design techniques used in the official Lego set primarily to use the printed pieces. It looks like the hull should primarily be dark gray but The printed hatch that comes with the lego set looks to be black... I'm still tweaking a few areas and playing around with the distribution of black and gray on the hull. Shout out to RebelBuilder, as used some great techniques on his early model based off of just one leaked photo (I kind of like his design better than the official design) Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.15.23 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.15.45 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.16.00 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.15.34 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.30.36 by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 23.31.11 by James Eilers, on Flickr
  14. Recreating Lego's take on the cockpit, to see how it'll turn out. TIE Silencer WIP by James Eilers, on Flickr
  15. So, now we have photos of the Lego TIE Silencer and images from the film. I like the design of cockpit/windscreen that Lego did but its not very accurate... I'm doing some research to find if there is a better way to build it. Anyone have any ideas or looked into this?
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