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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by jameseilers

  1. Looking for some thoughts here. I'm not a huge fan of the tanks on the First Order Flametroopers. They are huge. What do you think about using white scuba tanks? One small caveat is that I did have to shave off the top little notch on the tanks that would be the first stage regulator with an Exacto knife. DSC03542 by James Eilers, on Flickr
  2. That's great! I'd love to see it when you are done!
  3. jameseilers replied to The Librarian's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Love this, I think this is the best rendition I've seen yet. Any chance you have an LXF or breakdown?
  4. Yea if you check the schematics out there and the pictures of the movie props, there is no landing gear. I just checked the scenes in ROTJ again too, they are just hovering while parked.
  5. jameseilers replied to The Librarian's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Do you happen to have an LDD file or breakdown?
  6. I just put the LXF files for both in the first post.
  7. No landing gear on the 74-Z, just the foot rests / altitude control pedals which is what the old school droid arms are for. The minifigure's feet aren't actually on them because minifigures...
  8. I posted a WIP of this project a while back and I was finally able to finish up the model and order all of the parts. The patrol skiff is from the comic book version of Heir to the Empire. The skiff is used to insert a stormtrooper squad alongside the 74-Z speeder bike scout team to provide a more robust presence. I spent a while taking a look at all of the different 74-Z speeder bike designs from the community to refine my own design. Imperial Patrol by James Eilers, on Flickr Imperial Skiff by James Eilers, on Flickr Speeder Bikes by James Eilers, on Flickr Speeder Bikes by James Eilers, on Flickr Here is a view of the rear section of the vehicle. I need to get some good shots of the back.
  9. Another update! Better pictures of the final model.
  10. jameseilers replied to The Librarian's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Wow, I love the design. Makes me think of the U-Wing mashed up with the Sith Infiltrator.
  11. OK! Parts finally here and I stared the build this weekend. One issue I dealt with this afternoon was the back edge of the wing is only hinged at the top and is free swinging. I tried every brick combination I could think of to try and secure the hinged section some other way but finally caved and used a rubber band (it is a Lego rubber band though!) The rubber band does not affect the function of the technic pieces allowing the cockpits to spin together. IMG_1722 by James Eilers, on Flickr IMG_1723 by James Eilers, on Flickr
  12. Instructions for my design. Its for the smaller version which I like a little better: Kyber-Container by James Eilers, on Flickr
  13. Aaaaaannnnnndddd Fail... Just placed my order and then realized I forgot a few pieces I needed. *facepalm.
  14. I don't think its new at all but for those looking for flesh heads/body parts, the Legolas head from the dimensions pack is available. Set 71219.
  15. I really liked your design even if its different from the movie model. It's very clean. I also spent about an hour trying to figure you how you constructed it before I realized you posted multiple pictures on the Instagram post... ?‍♂️
  16. I have put together a compilation of different Imperial Kyber crystal container designs I have come across. All except the Lego version can hold crystals. Inthert's can hold the 30153 crystal and all of the others can hold a 1x1 cylinder with a flat round tile on top to mimic the internal cylindrical containers seen spilling out in Rogue One. The two designs to the right are my own with a shorter version below. It is interesting to see all of the variations on a small item like this. I think Markus19840420's is actually my favorite. What are everyone's thoughts? Kyber-Containers by James Eilers wolf.leews-無 (Flickr) markus19840420 (Flickr) Inthert (flickr) / Inthert (Instagram post of of Kyber Container) Here is the LDD File.
  17. So I saw this model on Flickr and just re-created it in LXF but I had the mechanism for the fenders slightly off... the picture above fixed that, but I cannot figure out how the grill 2x4 is attached... and it seems the attached LXF above is dead... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  18. I did a quick price test and changed most of the red (non-visible parts) to either gray or black depending on what is more common and likely cheaper. Bricklink found a combo of I think 7 stores for a grand total of $370. That was new or used parts.
  19. This model is amazing... Want. So. Bad. Did you use BluePrint to generate the instructions? If so, I feel your pain... It can be very tedious.
  20. Better yet just import the LDD file to a brick link wishlist!
  21. We will see! Bricklink orders are in!
  22. I did, I have 2 click hinges and 2 regular/smooth hinges just for extra stability.
  23. I have made a few modifications and wanted to get some feedback/thoughs before I start making my BrickLink orders. First off was rounding the trailing edge of the body. Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 8.28.12 PM by James Eilers, on Flickr Next was adding the fuel canisters (I guess thats what they are), changing the angled pieces on the body and changing how the wings attach to the body to be more in line with the model in the show. By moving the connection point for the wings one stud higher up, I had to shift the cutouts in the body where the blasters sit when the wings are folded. The only part that is not ideal is that now the wings do not sit as close to the body when folded. Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 8.28.46 PM by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 8.30.38 PM by James Eilers, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 8.27.18 PM by James Eilers, on Flickr
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