Pffft dont be so serious. Tis a beautiful broadside i must admit. :p
Pfffffft thats not a broadside!! Thats a spoon!!!!!!
EN Guidance Notes
THATS A GUN!!!!!!!! Doofus!! lol. I think you'll find a train lugging a multiple warhead nuclear missile around will be far better than a poxxy gun, powerful as it is. Its more limited with its firing too!!! I'm debating starting to build one but as at the moment the only train i have is one of the original battery train sets i'm gona be a bit stuck!!!
EN Guidance Notes
A missile train!!!!! Y'all got this army building up and what not but surely the best detterent would be a nice ole missile train (as in one that launches them not one that is missile shaped) Such as this...... Just a thought and as i have only pirate fleets, a small island and crane i feel i don't have the necessary parts to even start attempting this. >:-(
Golden Falcon
Nice!! I think you could quite comfortably squeeze in an extra cannon either side towards the rear though.
Cabin Ideas....
As several of you may have seen i have a treasure ship based on a BSB and its all nice and completed except the interior of the cabin. Just wondered if theres anyone out there with useful ideas for me to put in there? Pics would be helpful. All that currently resides there is 4 lego treasure chests full of gold and a parrot.... So if theres any budding laurence llewelyn bowens out there with ideas (though maybe not so garish) then pls give me some ideas!!!
Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
Lies!!! Tis no piggy bank!!!! Tis a heavily armoured cargo vessel!!!! What better way to stop the heathen barbarians and pirates from stealing the precious tax moneys then by melting all the gold and silver into collossal 'coin' shapes. Thus eliminating pilfering by any pirates as they can't lift the treasure!!!!
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Indy might however get caught in a time portal whilst drinking heavily in a bar in essex and thus end up stuck back in the glorious age of British Naval Dominance!!!
Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
Hahaha. I guess i invited the anti-scouser jokes. And yes phred it is the rebuilt treasure ship from a while back, although if im honest the two ships i have switched roles and what was the treasure ship is now going to become my escort ship, if i ever get round to scrounging enough bricks to complete the hull. I haven't as yet completed the inside of the captains cabin, all thats in there at the moment is 4 treasure chests full of standard lego gold. Proper minted are my men. Got bored tonight and started on a little outpost for them too but time will tell if i ever get it to be how i want it to be! I don't lug round
Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
Haha. Well my men are scroungers who mysyeriously end up with items from all over time, amazing what you can find at sea. N what are you talking about, sawdust to soak up blood??? I'm from liverpool, we just have thicker carpets or the decency to fight outside. :P
Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
- Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
Not stolen!!!!! It was impounded during an imperial raid. Thats also how the managed to obtain proper rifles whilst all around them are still stuck with flintlocks. :P- Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
32c Welcome one and all to my newest moc. BSB related as ever and this i think will be the final incarnation of this paticular vessel though her sister ship is still languishing between builds. I'm open to suggestions for improvements and there is still a little work to be done on the back end of the ship and cabins quarters not to mention the lack of access to the top deck.... But yer the main key idea behind this ship was cargo space. As you can see in the pictures she has a HUGE cargo hold. Due to the nature of the cargo at the moment the main deck is converted to a gun deck to provide protection from pirates and alike. For other cargos this deck could also be utilised for cargo. The foredeck carries two cannons too to be sure that anyone trying to get in the way coming into or out of any ports will hastely be moving out of the way. 8 cannons bless her topside, 3 a side with 2 chasers. Not the most formidable of firepower arrangements but more than enough to see off any pirate BSBs and even if she comes across a SES then her marines should be sufficient to protect her. The Marine detachment are aboard to protect the cargo and the crew has the admiral aboard to keep an eye on the most precious cargo. She comes heavily armoured with tumbelhome sides and despite the vast quantity of cargo carried she still manages to be a fairly rapid little ship. Cargo: Cargo Hold: Main access point: Brickshelf: Gallery- Personalised/Customised Flags of Members
South essex................. put a white escort on it with a bleach blonde behind the wheel?- Port la Brique - check out the architecture on this one!
I love the bookshelf. Very detailed. My ship may find itself with a small library i'm thinking.... hmmm - Latest MOC Cargo/Treasure ship
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