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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by parda

  1. Nice return to center mechanism I'm so curious with the idea of the pneumatic valve!
  2. Nice start! Some time ago I've used another way to reduce the dead point using a rod with more radius on the crank and a slider on the switch valve
  3. Very nice Jorge! I like the looking and the accurate of proportions and geometry
  4. So close to technic figures scale! I like it!
  5. I've liked the design of both vehicles, the colour choosing, the technic brick stile, elegance and how power function elements where adapted to retro-looking creations
  6. Superb creation!
  7. I'm in love with this model, you know... And trust me the mini is fast considering the size it has.
  8. Excellent car! I like the simple yet effective AWD – RWD Shifting system!
  9. Lovely classic technic truck! vintage drivers!! And so many fantastic details and plenty of functions! only that "new" white pieces on the top of the cab...
  10. Your first MOC!! Really nice work! please add power functions and upload a video!
  11. I just want to show how a technic figure mach the scale to pilot this beautifull X-wing
  12. I Love this kind of devices, i have to taken a minute to know why it use a differential bu in fact it is essential and smart, I will try to reproduce it If I can
  13. I really like your work Pesi!
  14. Nice model!! the work you did really works!! It looks great!
  15. This MOC shock me!! all the whole concept that I don't know!! Please let me blog a little enty of this in my blog!
  16. Amazing Work, nice details all arround!!
  17. It has some spectacular functions and technic resources! and allwais is good to see Lucius!
  18. It has a lot of good details,The intercoolers, the body frame geometry, the clocks panel...
  19. Good model!, so well designed, I like your cab!!
  20. You see the light!! why stud-on or stud- off? the best results where accomplished when you use the best working parts for your function needs. Well I need an example... might a Sheepo's creations will help....Hey!! look at those chasis! what are those pieces? it have something on top... Hope this not cause a short-circuit in anyone's brain
  21. Ouch!! not again that empty discussion If you are a real fan of sheepo just stop this trolling arround the internet, I'm friend of sheepo and he feels sad whit this.. And Yes, this photo is outstanding! If you look it at 2 meters far you see a real top view of a car. Usin the "LEGO CODE" is not easy, but the results where just clean and "perfect" in technical terms. Hope you understand what i want to say ( what I mean)...
  22. UPS.. the competition ends Tuesday 19th of July by 23:59 CET hope nobody stole this... Anyway I have erased the challenge logo
  23. Well, this is what I built, one reason is to present it to the "technic take the challenge" and the second reason is to claim for the technic figures! The specifications: -1 driver seat -7 passenger seats -2 PFM motors, one for driving, one for steering -4 wheel Ackermann steering -differential -1.2 Kg weight loading batteries and 42 technic figures And now some photos: Welcome to Parda Lines touristic tour... Relax and enjoy the trip! And the oficial one: Hope you like it! All photos in my Brickshelf(when Public)And little video of the load test
  24. One of the last entries of my blog is a little recopilation of automatic gearboxes, hope it can help a bit Automatic gearboxes post at Technic Delicatessen
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