Winter Village: Cheers & Beers
Bringing you some holiday beer.......I mean cheer! Here is my entry into this years expand the winter village contest. This little shop is where the villagers find the rum for their eggnog, irish cream for hot chocolate, and champagne for new years! This set includes the shop keep, delivery driver with truck, some patrons, and a mounted police officer to keep everyone responsible. I only have a couple pics to start as I will need to re take them and edit, but here is a teaser for now ;) winter village front by Soundwave_sw, on Flickr winter village 2014 005 by Soundwave_sw, on Flickr winter village 2014 012 by Soundwave_sw, on Flickr
Pimp My Camper! Voting Thread
well done everyone! 9 Oscar Meier Wiener -Wachutu Chief - 1 point 10 Monster Truck - Yaktuu 1 point 31 Camper Coloniser - Bricksy - 2 points 56 TMNT party Wagon - Midi - 1 point 83 Jabba the Van - Brick Laboratory 1 point 102 Judith and Ray - viracocha 2 points 105 Mystery Machine - Sparkart 1 point
Contest: Pimp My Camper! Discussion Thread
I am going to make a suggestion for the judges to consider. First I'll qualify this by stating that I only entered one entry so the following will not apply to me. I suggest that one of the prizes/awards go to the builder with the most total combined votes. not to be confused with the most popular single entry. Some builders have been busy building multiple entries. Although one of these builders' entries may win or place as a finalist, it is possible that one of these builders may garner more total votes for all their entries combined vs the winning entry. Hopefully this makes sense.
Contest: Pimp My Camper! Entry Thread
Wonderful contest with awesome entries so far. Forced me to add an extra layer for my entry. Here is my entry................Ironhide! built in G1 color scheme and same size as camper van. oh but wait. .................No he didn't......................Oh yes I did (add transforming sound effects here) he's a little surely and has the T-rex short arm thing going on but He is fully transformable without needing to disassemble any parts. I have also built a Ratchet version and will post pics to my flickr. I did build extended arms that can be tucked in underneath. I will also post some pics to get some feedback. Thanks for looking! Roll out
Seaside Town
Hi all, Here is a layout I did recently. The front section was custom built for this event. It was inspired and supposed to loosely resemble Neuhoff in Denmark. I used over 40 different colors and fun trying to make as many different styles. It was a great exercise in using many of my random windows, doors, and roof slopes, and rare colors that I have acquired over the years but didn't have enough to do anything large scale with. Most of the boats were also recently made and came out well for what I was aiming for. The back section has some of my larger town buildings some of which are somewhat new. Total layout is about 8x8 feet. Enjoy! More pics on my Flickr stream
MOC: Emerald House
Fantastic build!
- Dark red brick town house
Keeping Lego City Safe
Glad you asked. My city was put to the test last fall during a colabertive exhibition. Due to an alien invasion all possible assistance was required to combat the threat. In the below scenes, you can see the following: Navy, Marines, Army, Special forces, United Nations, Ambulance, Firetrucks & Firehall, Police Station, Squad cars/bikes, S.W.A.T. team, paddy wagon, Hazmat team, Optimus Prime, Ironman, Batman, Spiderman and thats just on my section. more heros and responders on the other sections. (my city section first 3:18 of clip) you tube clip: or check out this flickr set: The whole ordeal was documented by the local news reporter and the tow trucks were kept busy clearing the carnage. The A-team was there too but they tend to create as much trouble as they fix.
Winter Village: First Aid / Search & Rescue cabin
Yeah even I might not keep the building for my own Winter Village as it doesnt really fit. But the Helicopter and skidoo turned out better than i hoped and I will definately keep them intact. The tail is made up of this piece in yellow which comes in various lengths. Minifigs hands can be squeezed in thier for a snug fit.
MOD: Big Rigs
nice retrofit kyphur. The wheel choice for for semi trucks also bugs me in city sets. I would like to see more dual wheels as you have nicely illustrated.
Expand the Winter Village Contest III Voting Topic
What a great job this year. It was very hard to narrow it down. My votes are for: 15. legolegolegolego -1pt some very neat building designs and very festive. 18. Priovit70 1pt very artistic entry. love the ATV 21. Kristel 1pt this entry would most seamlessly fit in with the other WV sets. 22 Sonicstarlight 1pt. nice finish. good attention to detail without too much clutter. 39 Cara 1pt. Best train station of the contest this year. honorable mentions for non conventionable entries that are both well done - dr.spock & oo7
Winter Village: First Aid / Search & Rescue cabin
due to the high cost of fuel, the budget was blown with too many helicopter trips. hopefully they can install a wall to divide the room with the next fiscal budget Thanks! at least you didnt say ...megablocks Having many incidents take place in the vicinity greatly improves the response time average Thanks everyone for the comments
- Winter Village: The Winter Village Station
Winter Village: 50's Family Farm
Great job! It is so detailed. I love what you did with the well. The interior is also well done. Good luck! Play Well
- Winter Village: Sweet Shop and Home
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