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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by ComMix

  1. I just realised (was jumping through the Posts) that 1963maniac did the instructions, right. Of course all thats been said applys to 1963maniac as well. I find it very important in such a case to thank you guys as this is not to be taken for granted.
  2. Dear Attika! I'd like to thank you for your incredible Design and Instructons. I really have no idea how much work it is to such a thing but I'm sure it is not done in a minute. I'm really looking forward to build this model one day an will think of you during the build. Wish you all the best for the future, a merry Christmas and a happy new Year. Your Fellow AFOL Christian
  3. Sure your right. But TLG not always think that way.
  4. How about an John Deere 9520rx quad track. The combinaton ob the big new an older smaler sprockets would fit. What you think
  5. Hey looks great. Heavy and Sturdy. I liked the "Cave Expedition" in your Video very much.
  6. I will shoot a short Movie soon! Sadly i dont't have one handy right now, but will give it a try. For now it is more a Crawler then a Formula Racer But i fear one L will not be enough. The Model is quite heavy. Thank you for your kind words!
  7. Hi Everyone! Here's my first MOD/MOC. The 42037 Formula Off Roader in an RC Version. Powered by an XL-Motor with standard BatteryBox an use of the SBrick to control it. Trying to get close to the Original one. Front Axle nearly 100% original Design SBrick in between Driver Seat and Fake Engine wich is sadly not working XL-Motor in the back of Driver Seat. Hope you like it!
  8. Happy studded Day today . If you could only add an studded Union Jack on top...
  9. Welcome and superp model! It looks as fast i asume it is
  10. Ok, you got me on Racers to have a transmission But comming back to dense vs. hollow. Its quite easy. TLG has a max. part number for hitting a specific Pricerange. Now the Desingner can decide wether to make a smaller but more dense model vs. a much bigger but more hollow Version which they can cover with all the big "Hull" Parts. Sometimes they will go for the first some for the latter decission.
  11. What do you mean? It's a F1 Racer. Which function do you expect? A winch? It's always a personal view on the both. I have neither but you also can compare like 8851 and 8043 so which one is cooler here? For me 8851 has a lot of nostalgia for me but 8043 is way much cooler. couldn't agree more
  12. Hi, just bought me a copy 2 weeks ago and have the same Sticker issue. As i don't like it in this way so much, any proposal on how to get rid of that broken Stickers easy?
  13. Hi, why you say it`s lazy? Good Engineering is when it is working as planed. And I'm not sure wether it would have been better to use gears. So i, for myself like it a lot!!
  14. For sure they need the OK from Volvo or Merc but i dont think they have to pay for like they have to for the SW Theme. I think TLG wouldnt do an Technic license model if the had to pay for and in additon in my opinion these copanys think more of an good tradeoff to have a good PR for free.
  15. If you refer to StarWars sets, you should have in mind that TLG has to pay for the license which adds to the Price. I don't think that Counts for Technic, City e.g. even if they make a Volvo or merc model.
  16. Thats not what i mean. I know they are longer and that we get a 2 and a 1 wide new Cylinder. What I´m refering to is, what that guy on the Toy fair is telling... it works smother.. or someting like this. You also can see that the arm is moving quite slow or you alos could say more controlled.
  17. Can someone guess what the new Pneumatics V2 mean? In the Video was mentioned to make movement more smooth, so how that? Is the airflow different like other Diameter of Cylinderinlet or maybee the tolerances of the Sealings are thigtened so more preassure is needed. Any Idea...
  18. Nice and sturdy design and the Light Switch is a cool Detail.
  19. My Top 5 goes like this: 8043 Excavator for awesome playability 8851 Excavator for nostalgia 8288 Crawler Crane for "Strings" ist not real Technic but 5580 for bring me out of my dark Ages 8110 Unimog for mesmerization
  20. Hi Jim, i think the Topic-Name is a bit missleading. I think noone is questioning a B-Model for small or mid Scale TLG-Sets. What was questioned is the sense of an B-Model for the big and Flagship-Sets where you also not get the printed Instructios in the Box already. Maybe you can Change it to "Why does TLG make B-models for Flagships?" or similar.
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