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  1. The simplified storyline could mean a lot of things. I don't think that the main storyline could be made more simple, so I guess that either side confused G2 being simpler than G1. I hope that's the case at least.
  2. Both online and normal shops here seem to get 5 of each set (5 of Umaraks). Whether that's how it's allways been or not I can't tell. I do think that in G1 you could see more than 5 on the shelves in a store though. I guess we will have to wait for 2017 and see if there will be any 2018 leaks
  3. These leaks interest me a lot more from the story perspective than the set one. Umarak- Pretty sure that's MoCo right there. I don't like the wide torso and thin legs. I hated it with stormer XL, and I wasn't a huge fan of it on Onua as well. Ekimu- The more I look at him the more I like him. Even his transparent mask. Beasts- Really look like HF sets. They're not really bad, they're just worse compared to the standard G2 set.
  4. Honestly it doesn't have to be like the piraka at all. If the creature clips onto toa's head, and it stays there firmly, and if the neck isn't limited, You will get absolutely normal head posing. Those are 2 big "Ifs" though.
  5. Onua's torso is most definitely black on the poster. What I want to know though, is if Tahu's weapon function has pins with friction or without it in it. Seems to me it's the tan/no friction ones but I also see some black ones?
  6. Stickers get more damaged over time and are a pain to put on. Printings are there without any trouble and get less damaged I guess. For MOCers, stickers can simply not be put on, but printings can be removed easily leaving a clean piece as well. (Using a simple eraser found on a pencil or similiar) I think prints have overall more pros than cons.
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