Everything posted by Tezclatipoca
Pirates in winter?
Thank you and I am not even mentioning all the good builds we can have in the Brethren Forum ! We already saw great snowy builds over there. I'll try to find more.
Pirates in winter?
Wow ! That's a hard question ! Since you have to consider what you're calling Pirate and which guys you can put in wintery conditions ! Halas for our good old brave nefarious Pirates there is no place for snow in the Caribean Sea... Sorry. BUT ! You can find good ideas or representations of what could be Pirates in winter in our Brethren of the Brick Seas community ! For example right here this year we had a full Advent Calendar with snowy or Christmas-ish builds to enjoy !
Great news ! This new version of the GBW game seems very attractive to me. I would like to join again the game within the Kriviyat League of Republics ! I will soon post pictures of a Sigfig. @TheBeeze : if you're looking for help for a team leader on this Faction, I am volonteer ! I see this KPR like some badguys and they can be hard to play ! I'll try to help players in the faction to my best ! Not sure the KPR will become very popular but it's so fun playing the bad guys ! I'm back in The Great Brick War !
Phase 3 Discussion
Since I'd like to join in anew from a fresh character, I'd like to share with you my opinion : The Second option is quite fair and easy to come. Though, I am less convinced by the strategical aspect of it : Does it means attacks can be lead by a single player alone ? Without any involvement of his faction ? I find it dangerous... Let me explain this : If a player is out of control within his faction it can turn the war into a chaos mayhem (we've seen Pirates players in BOBS trying to outrun the GMs and Factions' decisions and it can be hard to contain) I would not like to see the game been destroyed by 1 or 2 little bad players. Thank you for reading me. Hope we'll be back again in the Great Brick War !
French to English intrepretator required for a DARING MISSION!
Thank you ! So he is German speaker not French... Your French is quite well preserved, not really rusty to me. Good job ! Nautical French is just craziness... My teacher at school usually said we have a beautiful language but built by tortured intellectuals...
French to English intrepretator required for a DARING MISSION!
YEAH ! Where do the pictures come from ? I don't remember to have seen them before and it's intriguing me as it's in french !
Account Summary
Great job GMs ! Thank you for having this account sheet always in good form ! No Problems for me.
[MOC] Armada Brig
Great vessel ! I like how you gave her more length and how you manage to get a better sail plan with only official sails ! We would love to see a better view of the ship ! The 1st picture is taken from too far and from too high IMO. Try to get closer and low down a little bit and I'm sure we would have a Frontpage killer picture ! An excellent vessel that deserve more pictures !
Imperial Eras
My prefered era is without doubt the Spanish Golden Century : 1500s TLG did an excellent job with the Armada Theme ! We need more !
French to English intrepretator required for a DARING MISSION!
@Khorne : you did translate it well ! Good job ! This text is just the answers to the "find the differences" game. To be clear about the Brick-Brig difference... Well... In French there is also a Brick ship (borrowed from the English), usually used for Brig. And sometimes even more confusing, used also with "Brigantin" and all the vessels are mixed up ! (The art of French Language ! just too arrogant to not follow the English terminology... )
Working Rudder Design
The use of those new gear plates is quite an idea indeed. I see this is an old topic so, these pieces weren't released yet. But now it could be a good thing to see a system of rudder using them... Thank you for sharing !
[Esl "not so micro" Prize] New settlers in Ceniza Bajo
New settlers in Ceniza Bajo Around the shores of Ceniza Bajo there are little islands used by the Luth Turtles to nest. This becomes an opportunity for the newcomers as the turtle eggs are so rich in proteins! So, it was not surprising to see some settlers build on the biggest islands some nice "Turtle Hides" as they tend to name those cabans and hutts... This one is among the biggest houses the MAESTRO company gave to some settlers recently : It has all the comfort you'd want inside : A nice spot to cook with a hammock and a descent desk to copy maps. This is a small residence I am using to claim my prize in El Oleonda Challenge 3rd place in Cat A. This is not a Micro build but it is a MOD of the 31118 Surfer beach house I "Piratized" a little bit. I haven't have a micro for this prize but I think this MOD could do the job. I hope you'll like it and the Court will let me use this build for my free small license.
[Esl - Micro prize] A new Apple Orchard for Ceniza Bajo
A new Apple Orchard in Ceniza Bajo The MAESTRO Company is developping its intensive "apple-ization" of the New World with this new orchard in Ceniza Bajo. It was obvious the Fruit merchant of the island would need Apples to sell at his shop. Now, with this new Medium Orchard it is possible to enjoy delicious apples here in Ceniza Bajo ! Enjoy ! Here is a Medium Apple Orchard licensed to claimed my prize in El Oleonda challenge second place in Cat B.
[Esl-micro prize] The Orchard, a class 5 Merchant Galleon
The Orchard A new Class 5 Merchant Galleon Here comes the new vessel out of the MAESTRO's shipyards : The Orchard. With this solid Galleon, the MAESTRO Company is proud to develop its commercial routes to deliver more delicious Apples to the New discovered area of the New Haven Sea. This is my micro build to claim my prize on the El Oleonda challenge for my first place in Cat D. Hope you'll like it.
[WIP] Skull Rock Lighthouse - a tropical pirates haven from sets 71722 + 71717 + 70431
Lovely but I agree. I am missing plants (and animals ... Where is the monkey ? )
[MOC] Rainbow Bird
Excellent build ! A Pirate would love to have his feathered companion with him ! A great way to use the Hedwig mechanic system ! Great job !
INDEX: Islander MOCs
That's an excellent build ! It deserves it's own topic indeed. And perhaps a Frontpage...
Vote for the LEGO 90th Anniversary set - VOTE Pirate / Imperial!
Great ! I would not have said better ! Thanks ! And of course I voted Pirates !
[MOC] 6274 - Caribbean Clipper - Reimagined
That's a good re interpretation of this old classic ! Nice ! I'd like to see it with more length but I can understand you to keep strait to the original model. I think black and yellow are better as it's respecting more the original ship; perhaps adding some blue and gold accents on the stern would help All in all a good build !
[MOC] The Yago (green and white pirate ship) - 21332 MOD with brick-built sails from 31109
Thank you ! I'm glad to see I inspired you. Due to some lack of free time, I am still working on the skull sorcerer dragon to figure it as a sea serpent to keep a more piratey style.
Phase 3 Discussion
Thank you. I read the other Topic talking about the new aspects of the game. I stay tunned and will look forward to start a new character then...
Phase 3 Discussion
Hello dear fellows ! And a happy new year ! It's been a while I've been there ! I see there is a Faction based game project with the possibility to play badguys... That's really interesting... A more complex lore and a territory control by faction is a good base to start IMO. The problem with the precedent Phase 2, IMO, was a too manichean way to think : a group of "bad" terrorists to be neutralised by the "good" players... Not really my cup of tea... This, and a lack of free time, made me step back from the game. I would love to be more involved in the game if we can find 3 very different Factions with very diffrent way to think and different style to be played (What it seems to be). I'd play a totally different country though... I'll be more free and the new lore seems better to my taste. I hope I'll could suscribe for a new style if I can. Thank you for reading me and happy LEGO Time !
Pirates 2021
I am afraid there is no new Pirates line in project for this year. There were very poor rumors. As far as I know, it is very unlikely there will be a new Pirate theme in 2021. Sorry for breaking the mood...
[MOC] Under Jolly Roger! Estrella - Frigate
An excellent vessel ! The design is sleek enough and correctly represents a Frigate ! Perhaps more curbs would have been better. Overall a great job !
Pirate flag x376px4
So it seems the re-release of Red Beard Runner 6289 named 6290 has this flag with the copyright logo. That's clearer now ! Thank you for having found the explanation topic @Luigi08 ! I took the liberty to link the page directly in your post
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