- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
Nexo Knights 2016
I feel like we should give Nexo Knights a chance, it brings some new stuff to the table such as new pieces and a new theme if you will, it gives a touch of modern to the castle theme, it has robots, (as seen in clay's rumble blade) and monsters, if they made a tv series, i hope they would not make it extremely cringeworthy like Chima, the floating castle sounds very nice too.
- Nexo Knights 2016
- Nexo Knights 2016
Leaving Barqa
Great build, I like how you incorporated the brick pieces into the top of the building.
Husbandry challenge -The Scaly Scavengers
Thats awesome!
GoH Freebuild: The Tomb of Dar Askelohn
I really like how it looks aerodynamic.
The Watchtower of Old
Cool build
MOC: Yoikbreg Tailor Shop
thats reallys cool
Avalonian Forestmen Watch Tower
Really like the tree's
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