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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hey Folks, Havent seen anything in this regard till thus wanted to share with you. Recently the ADAC tested once again with the german IT magazine C'T and another company a crashtest with Lego Porsche and Bugatti. Background was that a company tried to predict the scope of damage but no one was expecting this result. https://youtu.be/mubmaH3kcEg "Have fun" watching it. Best regards Henry
  2. Actually it was nice to see also some other creator/MOCs e.g. Edwin with his boats/vessel or Ingmar with his Trucks. But as usually the train layout fŕom Steinhanse was impressive.
  3. Will the outrigger to front be an foldable/lift type or z typ as older versions? By the way most maker of this gantrys using the pulley and machinery part at aft of outrigger. A Container vessel in same scale would be really great (in every way of meaning)
  4. The first image looks for me similar to an former GDR bike "Simson S51". Will follow for progress, looks promising so far.
  5. Generally nice MOC but for me on the first look it seems to be more an Ducati Multistrada with that bulky frontend.
  6. Regarding the Ship, the openable Deck is at the Aft where the celebration brick is located. The Panels are connected at the side and one can use this as dive / Offshore vessel. Never seen until now in real Life but a lot ROV or dive vessels with openings at lowest Deck but covered Inside the vessel. A bit strange Design but at least after the two Creator Sets (Maersk) and the tug (supply vessel) an big Technic ship.
  7. You could also just use an rope on drum- once the rope is fully down it will spool automaticly up again. On upper side you need a switch to Change direction of Motor. But as i read it again now, maybe this Version is working only 4 times- reversing switch is is tue weak Point in my thought.
  8. 32: 10 1: 6 5: 4 6: 3 16: 2 24: 1 Generally quite alot of good ideas and Modells but i am mostly astonished how the trains have been designed and the technical Solution behind.
  9. In case of pneumatic maybe an 8455 will be nice? As I have two 8069 i don't think that this is a good Modell in this Moment. Other idea 8109 has some good parts.Best regards
  10. Des indeed that are two facts sich can not be denied, the air intake and also the paddles of shifting Mechanism are not present at the 911R. Seems werden have to wait further
  11. In my opinion still the 911R type 991 will be the 42056- the rims, Front and side line are very similar, only missing the rear wing.
  12. Anyone took a look to the limited 911R type 991 from Geneva Motor show? White and (bright red/orange) livery only missing thing would be the rear spoiler. And it is limited to 991 pcs - that means ultimative rare
  13. From my point of view the 8258 is better then 8285 even tough the overall view is nice but not so much parts and Functions.
  14. Really nice moc and very realistic as i've seen several of these during my times in HK. Are these two tires max payload or more possible? How about outriggers - are those stabile enough to support proberly?
  15. Generally nice ideas but nobody mentioned a Sprinter like transporter or Transit or T6 or the like. Also ive Seen only two mocs of this Kind in reliable or let say proper size. Best regards Henry
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