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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by TheRealDickDastardly

  1. Hello, returning fan here coming back from a funding induced hiatus, I have some questions about what we can expect this year. It looks like LEGO is executing this theme in favour of the Batman Movie range, but do you think we can expect to see a resurrection of the DC Comics side in the wake of the Justice League movie? Also, where can I look to find out more about upcoming sets? (This forum and the reddit are the only places I currently read).
  2. $270 is completely ridiculous, I'm uncomfortable buying LEGO at it's current ludicrous prices, if that rumor is true I will pass on this set.
  3. It'll be nice to get a new TIE Advanced at the very least, I just hope it doesn't have that ghastly oversized cockpit we see in Rebels. I tried to show a comparison between the original and rebels, but for some reason it wouldn't let me show imgur links.
  4. Nice! Here's to some more affordable sets in 2016!
  5. I hope everyone understands this is staged! :D There are a lot of negative misconceptions about Harrison Ford.
  6. I don't know why they have to be so coy with any information. It's hardly going to hurt LEGO's business. :P I am really hoping to see the prototype B-Wing as a set, that would be awesome.
  7. Pics are up for the sets on the LEGO wiki, I don't know whether this is new news or not, but here is the link: http://lego.wikia.co...y:Upcoming_sets
  8. I saw a reddit post on /r/LEGO that was showing a bunch of figures being sold in bulk by factory workers, I believe I saw a new Joker in there with different hair. I'll link you you to the reddit post: https://www.reddit.c..._facebook_lego/ I'm not linking directly to leaked images so I should be good, right?
  9. Was going to pick up all of this years Batman sets at Christmas, but then I realised they will all be out of stock by then and probably retired soon after.. This throws my plans for what to get off.. May have to just go out soon and get the current DC sets.. LEGO is releasing too much awesome stuff atm.
  10. I just hope we get Alfred Pennyworth this time, he really should have been in 6860.
  11. Yes, I was, perhaps a better way of phrasing my question would have been: "Why is it direct to consumer? surely that can't be a good marketing strategy for something that will surely be very popular." :)
  12. I wonder why they would do that with something that wiil obviously be a very popular set..? Or maybe only adult fans will appreciate it..
  13. Any news on the '66 Batcave? That sounds like an insta-buy.
  14. I really love this, when I get round to it I'm going to bricklink the parts. Have you considered submitting it to LEGO ideas?
  15. Woah, woah there Nelly, what wasn't to like about Tarkin? I thought it was fantastic. Anyway, I would also buy Darth Vader's black Eta-2, but what I would really like is an updated version of Obi-Wan's Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor. There was a beautiful moc made by: khatmorg https://www.flickr.c...N02/8735306298/
  16. Where can we find the prelims you are looking at, can you source your info? Thanks.
  17. Hi, I'm getting some weird issue with the LEGO website, sometimes it'll let me in and other times I get the "service unavailable" error, is anyone else having problems or is it something I'm doing wrong?
  18. Did the "reliable source" give you what time on Oct 1st?
  19. I own 6212 and the mechanism is also awful, it takes ages to get the wings in to attack position, 75102 is a massive improvement.
  20. I do! Was it your idea to add the hydro-spanner? That made me laugh while building!
  21. Rey's speeder, but my latest build was 8028, the mini TIE Fighter polybag that I got free with my Falcon.
  22. Perhaps it is worth saving up for it after all, although if I get to that amount I may just buy the Death Star, but maybe that set will get discontinued with the release of the new Echo Base, who knows?
  23. I sort of hope they make an area where we can recreate the scene where a Wampa goes on a Wampage through the base, it was removed from the movie, but I hope they add it to the set.
  24. I would guess there will probably be a Vader too.
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