Hi everyone, I'm going to be leaving Eurobricks for a while, maybe not coming back. So bye everybody, maybe I'll be back, I just don't have the time or really the will to be here.
I also can't really make my character a story. I just can't write with any limitations. (I really like omnipotent death gods who shoot fireballs from their bums... )
Plus I've always felt guilty about joining at 15... If I return It'll probably be in, say 2 1/2 years, but I doubt it.
Well anyway, I shalt miss all the great builds, maybe I'll lurk, not logged in, creepily staring at everything. Though I shouldn't feel guilty about joining young, some of the others here did, like when people say there age, then you look at when they joined and see that would mean that they were young.... Ah well such is life, (just remember all the teenagers in Historicia, I figured it out how old you are).
I'm sad to go, but whatever.
Well bye ya'll. See you later, or not.....
P.S. Jacob Nion and Soccerkid are the best builders in Historicia. Though Lord Vlad is really good too...
:cry3: :cry3:
Edit: Just imagine 'Crazy Life' the song playing right now please, it really sets the mood. :-)