Everything posted by zero1312
Lego: Space - The Comic
You shouldn't believe rumors, ever!!!!
MOC: Drillblaster
He originally was a military security robot sent to destroy the rampaging Buzzkill, but instead was infected by the maverick virus, too. The infection gave him a very triggerhappy personality, as his motto is now: Shoot first, ask questions later. Like Drilldozer he is equipped with drill, but enhanced with a laser cutter. Instead of a blade like on Drilldozer, his other arm is outfitted with the experimental combocannon, consisting of three light laser barrels, a two-barrelled heavy laser cannon and a Mk 2 Meteor Blaster. His energy core supplies enough energy to all seperate guns, but when he use them all at once, the entire combo cannon must cool down for severall minutes.
MOC: Buzzkill
He was a lumberjack robot, who was infected by an unknown virus. Later it turns out to be the ancient Maverick Virus, responsible for the devastating Maverick Wars, that ravaged the world centuries ago. How the virus got away from the moon is unknown, but HF fears the old history could be repeating itself. Buzzkill is equipped with two big diamond-bladed titanium buzzsaws, but he likes to headbutt everything first, resulting in alot of dents in his head.
Lego: Space - The Comic
Man, that sucks!!! Good luck for all your future projects.
Lego: Space - The Comic
Now I'm curious how they look like...
Posing Pictures
Great topic idea!!! I might add a few pictures on my own later.
MOC: Slasher
Very good!! The torso design is very well done and fitting the rito Revolto hommage.
Your weirdest MOCs?
My weirdest moc was a villian built only from blood red and marine blue parts. No black, no light grey, no medium gray, just red and blue. No pics, because it's resting in pieces again.
MOC: Quake
Where do you got that shell? The engine cover in trans-orange? In all set so far released here in Germany it's not included. Is ist part of an exclusive?
LDD MOC: Arcus
Normally I don't like this kind of color mix, but the back story of him is well thought out. And it's even possible to rebuild him with real parts.
MOC: Centurion
Awesome mech you got there.... :thumbup: I especially like how you used these tube things from Live on Mars....
MOC: Toxic Hulk
I think I have a good idea in the making.
MOC: Toxic Hulk
That was my first idea, but I wasn't able to come up with an original story why and how he got the upgrade.
MOC: Gogmagog
Very well done!!! The spine is my favourite part, but I think Toa Mata feet would fit much better.
Lego: Space - The Comic
I'm looking forward to how the alternates look like.
Lego: Space - The Comic
I knew it!!!
[MOC] Terminator T-800 (Moodland Scale)
Just saw the moc. And I must say, you nailed the look perfectly. Especially on the scale.
[MOC] Terminator T-800 (Moodland Scale)
I would comment on it if the pics would load....
Lego: Space - The Comic
That comment will smack back into your face, Schwartz.
MOC: Shocktroop Furno
Well, the 3.0 one is my favourite...
Krazi Card *3
Which is quite a shame...
Lego: Space - The Comic
So, at least we know both Schwartz' are thinking alike. I wonder about the other Galanos.
MOC: Deadeye 4.0
Thanks for the c&c. The disign was a bit "spike overload", so I made him more subtle. I also remade his torso using the "titan" torso bone, so he has better proportions.
MOC: Amperox
I forgot to upload one picture:
MOC: Ragnara
I didn't like the first arm design, so I remade it:
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