Everything posted by zero1312
Lego Superhero Comic
OK, here are Gunbrain and Domehead (they're supposed to be villians): And here are the heroes (the left one for the superiors and the other for the Unlikely Society): They are called The Immortal Knight and Blastman.
Army mishaps
:-D X-D :-D X-D :-D X-D :-D !!!!!!!!
By the way, what's your current favourite and your all-time favourite figure: My current is Classics Megatron and my all-time fav was my G1 Shockwave. *sweet* May he rest in peace!! *sad* Oh have you seen this?
what is the least favorite game you have ever played?
Mine were Zelda: Windwaker(TOO easy!!!!), Starfox Adventures (the DAMN fear test REALLY destroyed my patience on this game!!!) and Megaman Network Transmission (TOO hard), all on Gamecube. >:-( >:-(
I think he was refering to the arms and the bulkiness of the body. :-/
What you like to see as a movie .............
Hi there, I just had the urge to know what comics and videogame theme you like to see as a new movie. My favs are: Comics: Ironman (marvel) Games: Metroid, Zelda, Turok, Megaman and C&C What about you? ;-)
Warhammer 40k
Believe it or not, I'm in the planing phase for Cybot MOC. X-D Which should I do? The one with the thunder fist or the one with the missile laucher?
Custom Minifigs Showdown
Pics are resized by now. ;-)
Warhammer 40k
Well, those are all what's left of my collection. I once had a Tau Hammerhead tank, several other crisis battlesuits, two full Tau squads, a Space Marine Landraider, a SM Terminator squad, two full SM squads, a Necron Lord and a Necron Destructor Lord. I had to sell them due a longer unemployment. :-(
Custom Minifigs Showdown
Some exo-force robot soldiers: Anti-Air-Trooper: Anti-Ground -Trooper: Stinger Wasp: Death Skorpion:
As promised, here's the pilot: Any suggestions for the name?
Warhammer 40k
Ask and you shall receive: The basilisk: The predator, laser configuration: The leman russ: The monolith: The space marine cybots: The tau crisis battlesuit: The imperial sentinel: A necron patrol: The deathbringer: The necron destructor: The necron heavy destructor:
Warhammer 40k
I'm also interested in Warhammer 40k. I still have some of my models, mostly vehicles though. :-) Interested to see them? And yes, these insane prices are keeping me from buying more. And I was having a cool MOC idea. :-(
Lego Superhero Comic
Hey Joebot, your work here inspired me to build a few heroes and villians. Interested to see them?
"The Tie Army Wants YOU"
I have a crimson colored one but it's not Lego. :-(
WIP Hoth base
As a starwars fan I say: Build one of the big turrets or the ion cannon and the set is perfect!!! *vader*
Oh, *wub* *sweet* *wub* *sweet* That's so cute!!!!!
Hey, I've found a good replacement pilot for BD. He's supposed to be Ha-Ya-To's father, recently escaped from the robot base using this battle machine which he secretly build during his hiding time (you just can't waltz out of the robot's territory unarmed, right? X-D). Sorry, no pics yet because my camera needs to be recharged. |-/
Yes, with the speed of a Stealth Hunter and the agility of a White Lightning. ;-) Nope!! X-D I just looked at my Striking Dragon and I thought Offnir needs to be rebuild too. So I built this battle machine from most of the parts. :-)
What movies do you want to see this year?
Me? I also wait eagerly for Transformers and Spiderman 3, but also on Pirates of the Caribian: At World's End. *sweet*
Games top 10
I know what you mean. :-( Trust me. I also have high hopes on Mario Kart and Star Fox. ;-)
Hi! SV here!
Welcome aboard, dude!!!! *y*
anybody like tintin?
I too think they're great. *sweet* I have every one, except three issues which I still can't find. |-/
Games top 10
Here's my top ten: 1. Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars KANE EDITION (PC) 2. Sonic and the secret rings (WII) 3. Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (WII) 4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (WII) 5. Megaman X Collection (GC) 6. Metroid Prime (GC) 7. Starwars Empire at war (PC) 8. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes (GC) 9. Starfox Assault (GC) 10. The Legend of Zelda: Okarina of Time (N64) Yeah!!! I'm a Nintendo freak! X-D Games who didn't make it into the list: Goemon 1 and 2 (N64) Metroid Prime Hunters (NDS) Super Mario Allstars (SNES) WII Sports (WII) Bomberman 64 (N64) Megaman and Bass (GBA) But cool nonetheless!!
MS-07B Gouf
WOW, that's some seriously awesome work. *sweet* And the scale is just perfect. *y*
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