Everything posted by zero1312
A Big Hello from Germany
Auch von mir willkommen auf EB. :-) I thought I am the only one from germany. |-/
Introducing Me, Tomawogi
Welcome aboard!!! X-D
A little help?
Well, the floppy turret was bothering since I've bought him so I've replaced it by something more durable with a tighter movement. And the iron drones' attachment to the legs just looked silly. Why lowering weak iron drones to the ground to detach them for attack, when a battle machine that powerful is around? So I've made them permantly attached.
Toyfair 2007 Bionicle Set Images
The new Toa may be very good, but what I really dig are the new titans, especially the black and silver one. :-P
A little help?
OK, before my big MOC is ready, here are some improvements on Striking Venom: First a new attachment for the iron drones: Next an improved gatling turret: And here's the new mount for the turret:
Hello EuroBricks
Boy that is sure a long time just to think about joining EB. X-D Welcome aboard. :-)
- Week of Surprises 2
Unohana, by sugesaga
X-D I really don't know what to say right now.
Wheeled Mecha Contest
Well then, here's my road sentry:
Wheeled Mecha Contest
Can I post in this topic or do you start an extra one? :-/
New EF game!
My best was 75%. But I'm persistant. |-/ Cool and challenging game, btw.
Exo Force Summer Sets
My words exactly. :-)
Finally, I'm in!!!!!!!!!
Goddammit!!!!!!!!!! Where are my manners? :-( Thank you all for the nice words.
Assault Droid
What about the hands of the Iron drones from Exo-force? They're smaller than the current ones and they're colored right (dark grey).
Assault Droid
Bigger, smaller or equally sized compared to the actual design?
Assault Droid
I would suggest using the ear pieces of the Fenris wolf from Vikings. They already look like claws. ;-)
Finally, I'm in!!!!!!!!!
Well, it means if there's something on a MOC you can make better, I spit it out immediately. The same goes for a perfect looking one. :-/
My Space-y creations
Better than this? You've got to be kidding! Those are perfect as they are. X-D
Assault Droid
Funny, I've build one looking almost exactly like yours. The only difference were different lower arms. Anyways, yours is flawless. ;-)
What if............?
That's not Axonn, this one's called Makuta Inika. Read the post with the pictures, it's writen there. :-/
A little help?
OK, next one: A slightly change in Cyclone Defender's weaponry. My next MOC will be a big one.
Poll: Mecha Contest #3
Finally, I'm in!!!!!!!!!
Hi dudes, I'm new here. I'm zero1312, because I'm not loosing any time to say what I think. Nice to be here at last.
Something wrong made right
OK, here's the next one. Shortly before I bought Hahli Inika and after I was finished with construction I noticed that she looks kinda dull with all the white, so I've done this:
A little help?
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