I've tried it, but it has a darker shade which doesn't look as good as you would think.
Besides, the transludent Mask of light is an upgrade to the solid one.
When you upgrade the body, why not the mask aswell?
Well, I've ressently bought the barraki Mantax, and I have one question: Why do they keep making the arms assymetrical on most figures? I've fixed this:
I've always thought what Takanuva and Makuta would look like, if they've seen the red (Inika) light.
Well, here are my thoughts become reality:
OK, your thoughts please.
Although small it does quite pack a punch:
1x Claw Crusher custom
1x Shadow Crawler
1x Iron Condor
1x Striking Venom custom
1x Bridge Walker
1x the tank from Gate Assault (What's its name, anyway?)
1x Heavy Defense Outpost MOC
Well, my camera sucks in some way. With lightning it's too bright. You could have not seen the pilot's face,
for example. And without lightning the pictures were too dark, so edited them a bit.