Everything posted by zero1312
MOC: Trasher
The first Version missed some bulk in the arms and legs, so:
MOC: Shocktroop Furno
This body configuration is meant for battling and destroying criminals and other threats too dangerous to keep in prison. William Furno is the first hero volunteuring for this job.
MOC: Toxic Hulk
One of the many loose prisoners who were freed by Black Phantom, Toxic Hulk is combat robot built to operate in swamps and forests. A glitch in his memory banks caused by a virus from Deadeye made him poisoning an entire forest. He thinks now that all living things are inferior to machines and thus are to be destroyed. He won't stop until everything biological is dead. And his toxic waste cannon is deadly to all living things. Even other robots aren't unaffected.
MOC: Afterburn
Although I don't like painting LEGO parts, I do think that he looks nice. I'd love to see anofficial black or silver repaint of this helmet.
Furno vs Behemoth
Back to the MOC: Both look fantastic. But Behemoth takes the cake. He looks like a cross between Shockwave and a vampire. :thumbup:
MOC: Ragnara
She (because of female voice and "other" features) is robot assassin from a now extinct alien race. She was sent to make way for an invasion, but an accident caused by a well known criminal caused her to lose all her memory. The criminal took her in as his second bodyguard. She also developed feelings towards him and because of that she clashes many times with a certain "little girl", so she is quite protective of him. In her freetime she plays videogames with Trasher, but has little interest in him otherwise. As many would guess by her looks she can manipulate all kinds flames, so she is the perfect answer to dealing opponents like Furno or Pyro. She also wields a powerful fire sword that she calls "Ragnarok".
MOC: Amperox
New pictures in the starting post.
MOC: Amperox
Thanks for the feedback!!! I tried using the blue cable and removed the shell on the back. I also replaced the green head with an orange one. Now he actually looks much better. Pictures will be up soon....
MOC: Amperox
This Bot was once a controller for the electric flow of the energy in a power plant, but after an "accident" fried his circuits he started to disrupt all kinds of devices in Makuhero city. Because of his abilty to control or disrupt electric current flows the commanders of Hero Factory hesitating the deployment of heros to stop him, since there never was a need for protection against this kind of ability. Not even Surge, who encountered him once already, was able to move even an inch, while he was laughing maniacally with his high-pitched voice. He can shoot energy blasts of different polarities:
MOC: Big Baddie with a Bat
Nice, I dig this one... Also, some clever use of certain parts are present, especially the claw.
Lego: Space - The Comic
Now I'm starting to understand the title of this series...
Lego: Space - The Comic
I think I know waht's going to happen next.
Rocka: The Golden Boy
They are from severall Exo-Force sets, mainly as the arms of the Mecha-one minifig.
MOC: Takanuva
Very Nice!!! I dig this hand design. I may borrow it for a future Moc....
MOC: Mickey Mouse
Nice!!! A very good improvement over the original.
MOC: Trasher
Thanks!!! Correct! I've tried bright yellow four-fingered hands, but it doesn't look as good.
MOC: Trasher
Originally an alien from an unknown world at the other end of the galaxy, a wormhole catched him unexpectedly on a scouting mission and transported his ship to earth, where it crashlanded near Deadeye's hideout. He was severly injured, so Deadeye's maintenance drones transferred his brain into a robotic version of his now dead body. Being eternally thankful to his saviour, Trasher, as he calls himself now, serves as Deadeye's bodyguard. Who initially hopes to get rid of that annoying stalker Banshee. - Trasher is extremely strong, as he can swing his club with as much ease as Breez with her swords. - Despite looking like a stereotypical brute he is fairly intelligent unlike Thunder or Drilldozer. - He also likes to fight a good old street fight as he like this classic videogame like no other.
Ninjago 2012
It's just that here in Germany, special editions normaly appear in Toys'R'us only until now. So far all three Ninjago specials (Nuckal's ATV, Thunder Dragon and Snake Walker) have appeared outside Toys'R'us in regular toy stores.
Ninjago 2012
I've bought today a "snake mech" and it doesn't appear in the current catalogue. Is it an exclusive or a special edition?
Lego: Space - The Comic
I see some nasty pain in Schwartz' near future....
Nice!!! I just find a bit sad that this design wouldn't work well as an action figure in reality, seeing how the shoulders and hips are built.
Lego: Space - The Comic
Schwartz, that's the understatement of the century.
MOC: faze 2.5
Interesting choice of colors. I especially like how you did the gun.
MOC: Pyro
Thanks!!! His bio is also the reason I created him. I wanted to see this design in other colors. That's the dial from Emperor Zurg's gun. From the Toy Story line.
MOC: Shadow
Possibly one of the most dangerous villians in the galaxy next to Black Phantom, Shadow is powerful, very smart and has the ability to appear at any point in the universe at any time. Because of that fact he is unkwown to Hero Factory HQ. The only one alive knowing about him is Deadeye, but he persistently keeps it a secret. In combat he is very lethal with his ninja skills. If somebody sees him, he hunts him to his death. But he plans to reveal himself someday when the time is right.
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