Everything posted by zero1312
Lego: Space - The Comic
I was wondering when THIS side of him would show up....
Hero Factory set shots by exxtrooper
Finally someone who is bothered by this like me.
Lego: Space - The Comic
You certainly know how to deliver.
MOC: Spectre
I wasn't satisfied with the old 1.0 look, so I rebuild her in the 2.0 style. She looks much more feminin now IMO. Pictures are in the start post.
MOC: Ragnara
Finally I got the parts to complete this moc. The new pictures replace the old ones.
This is the warSHIP Dovahkiin...
Well done, I always liked these blocky designs. And yours is especially nice.
Hero Factory set shots by exxtrooper
Awesome shots on the figures there, thumps up!!!! And your thoughts on each one is a neat little extra.
Lego: Space - The Comic
The comic: That was fast. Your comment: Maybe for a filler, set in the future or an alternate dimension. Your comic inspired me for many MOCs, including the figures on the picture.
Lego: Space - The Comic
I never said this so: Congratulations on such a great comic!!! Here's a little gift, a modern view of my favourite space faction: Click here!!
Lego: Space - The Comic
Ohhhh, can we expect some action soon?
Hero Factory series one villian revamps
Pics of a finetuned Meltdown and Thunder in the start post. Reason was this post: Thanks for this honest critic....
Lego: Space - The Comic
Nice pun.... And good use of the kraken and squidman minifigures.
Villain at the end of Breakout part two, new figure question..
Now I'm curious about his build. I'm hoping for a construction similar to Witch Doctor, only more of a hunchback.
Villain at the end of Breakout part two, new figure question..
Well, let's hope it will be a completely new built and not a reissue with a couple of changes.
MOC: Mirrorverse "Heroes"
Remember the Mirrorverse I mentioned here and here? I decided to build the other mirror versions of the heroes. First, there are no mirror versions of Nex, Stormer, Bulk, Evo and Stringer. In the Mirrorverse they are already destroyed. And these MOCs do not appear in the story, only Breez plays an active role. Alternate Furno, the expert gunfighter: Alternate Surge, the master swordsman: Alternate Rocka, the expert sharpshooter: As a sidenote: Alternate Breez is called the invincible frontline brawleress. The gang together:
[MOC] The long dark of Moria
Wow, this is what I call a masterpiece. LEGO should do UCS sets of LOTR.
Lego: Space - The Comic
Why am I not surprised?
REVIEW: 6230 Stormer XL
Now add an armor shell to the black bone to make it look complete. That's what I would do, at least.
REVIEW: 6230 Stormer XL
Nice review. I do have one complaint about him, that only one arm has three of these winged drones. The other arm has only two on them. I know Speeda Demon destroys one in the animation, but one drone missing in the actual set kinda stands out in a negative way.
Lego: Space - The Comic
That swithch is kind of creepy...
Lego: Space - The Comic
I was just wondering when this pun would come.
- NCS: Cosmic Cruiser Redux!
Lego: Space - The Comic
Lovin' these little filler episodes.
[Comic] Unlikely Society -- Chapter 41
A good start for this new arc.....
Hero Factory series one villian revamps
New pictures of Meltdown and Xplode with torso changes in the start post. Too be honest, that was a upgrade in terms of looks and cluttered-looking in terms of colors. As I said before, my goal was to maintain the looks of the originals, NOT upgrade them by any means. I did this because on the original set, the claws were standing too far off each other.
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