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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. SBrick3 coming soon: Pre-register for exclusive early access at: https://tokeportal.hu/en/sbrick3/ And just to inform you our Black Friday promotion available until Dec 2, in the SBrick Store. 15% OFF for all products: https://www.sbrick.com/store Worldwide shipping by FedEx Perfect time to tuning up your LEGO models for Christmas :)
  2. Hey Guys! Thanks for the comments :) @tismabrick: Yes, unfortunately we could't find any factory which would produce the adapters for the special lego connectors. This is one of the reasons why we started working on the SBrick3... which will solve this problem on a different way. The new campaign and investments also help us to extend our developer team for more faster and better development. @coinoperator: Please double check the website again, it should works properly. In the top right corner you can also switch between the languages. We forwarded your report to the tokeportal team. You can also check the security of the page on the following website : https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=tokeportal.hu&latest My colleagues will also reply to your e-mail (or they already did it).
  3. Hi LEGO Technic and SBrick fans :) We've a big news for you! SBrick3 is coming! ? As we successfully crowdfunded the SBrick and SBrick Plus on Kickstarter, now we working on to a new equity-based crowdfunding campaign. Our new product will enable ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION TOYS to be programmed and controlled the easiest way. Learn playing & coding at a time! Be part of our journey, and get a little piece of our company by investing in us! Pre-register for exclusive early access now, at: https://tokeportal.hu/en/sbrick3/ And for the "old" SBrick owners there is also a great news. Our brand new application will be available in a few weeks. There will be many totally new features, which will blow your mind! :) Stay tuned!
  4. Brick (Black) Friday in the SBrick Store: 10% OFF and Free colorful cases. Don't miss out: https://sbrickstore.com/
  5. The wedo 1.0 sensors will be available in our webstore soon. We can ship them by FedEx worldwide. -> https://sbrickstore.com We will sell them same price as LEGO (25$)
  6. @arshialQ Check your inbox. We sent an e-mail to you a few days ago about the details. :)
  7. Hi SBrick Fans! We have tremendous amount of updates to present you now, so let's start! We just give a brief description then a follow-up link for more details. The new Android App is here and available in Google Play! The updates provide more stability and less disconnection between the‪SBrick‬ and the device, the new firmware allows better latency and device re-naming. Follow the link and get it now! (The new iOS app will be available very soon as well! Stay tuned!) The Profile Designer has also something to offer: improved speed and stability, advanced sequence options. Design a new profile for your LEGO® creation NOW and test the updates:https://designer.sbrick.com/To get the whole picture about the Profile Designer, check out the User Guide. Let's announce the winner of our Father's Day Competition: The 1st prize goes to Merlijn. You can read his entry here. He gets an SBrick, while all the participants get 15% off in our webshop!Congratulations to everyone, and thank you for all the great entries, shared stories and memories, creations, and thank you for the patience! You can get separate LEGO® extension wires in our webstore now, which can be really handy when you order a new SBrick. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. (Legolijntje and Lucio, thanks for your questions. I'll come back with the answers soon.)
  8. Hi Guys, @SevenStuds: We are working on two new hardwares. Both will be available this year. One of them will solve the "battery problem". So yes, we considered this topic and we already working on that. Stay tuned! :) @rm8: The new iOS applcations alredy finished. It will available within 1-2 days in the Apple Store :) @AkiyamaWataru: The new android application just released a few hours ago. It's available in the google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vengit.sbrick&hl=en News in the Android application: - New BLE driver: latency and stability improvements - New firmware: better latency, device re-naming - Support for "advanced sequences": (Learn more about the advanced sequences: https://social.sbrick.com/forums/topic/111/profile-designer/view/post_id/3941) The latest firmare version the 12 If you have any other questions, feel free to ask :) Thanks, Tamas
  9. Hi Seasider, We've made few changes in our webshop: new product pictures, new product names and we modified the product descriptions a little bit. About your questions: Yes, if you buy a 2 in 1 pack, you will get 2 SBricks, or if you buy the 4 in 1 pack, you will get 4 SBricks :)
  10. We think the the option to swap the houses a really nice feature. You can even mix two colors for the bottom and the top part. Like this way: https://social.sbrick.com/albums/photo/view/album_id/135/photo_id/1496 It can be helpful if you always build new creations. You don't need worry: your SBrick always will match to your model perfectly :) Anyway thanks for your idea. Of course we will consider it! :)
  11. We sell only grey SBricks. You need to buy the cases separately, then you can swap the cases manually:
  12. Some news about the SBrick 1. New cases: Our new webstore and the colorful cases for the SBrick are available: https://sbrickstore.com/ 2. We have a new competition: All you have to do is to share anything related to your LEGO® and/or SBrick experience on our Social platfrom (https://social.sbrick.com/event/36). It can be the first time you built a MOC, the first time you played LEGO® with your kids. It can be funny, interesting, creative; a story, a photo, a drawing, anything you wish! The SBrick team will pick the best ones. Prizes: - The very best submission will get an SBrick - The other great entries will be honored by a 10% SBrick coupon code that you can use up in our webstore: https://sbrickstore.com/ Here is the what you have to do: 1) Share your favorite LEGO®/SBrick experiences (photo, story, drawing, app, gif, etc.)! 2) Upload it to our social website to this topic:https://social.sbrick.com/event/36 3) Wait for the results! If you win, wait for the SBrick in your mail, or you can use up your coupon code right away! You have one week to submit from today (deadline: 06.27)! Good luck everyone and happy father's day!
  13. Let me show you what happenned with Vengit & SBrick in the last couple of weeks. The SBrick has teamed up with Scratch! Scratch is a free educating platform which uses drag and drop method to teach kids programming and robotics. Participating in education - this is something that the creators of SBrick envisioned from the start, and now it's becoming reality. “With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century." Scratch is designed and maintained by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab and is free to use. Learn more about Scratch at: https://scratch.mit.edu/ Video: https://www.youtube....bed/-WZUhPNREBw Lenard Pasztor, Vengit CEO, says, "education was what we first had in mind with the SBrick, close to two years ago. Looking around the marketplace as an employer, it's clear to me that there aren't enough capable and well-trained IT people in Hungary. It's the same across Europe and unless we do something, this problem is just going to get worse. That's why we wanted to produce something suited to teaching programming and robotics for the age group that counts, namely children aged 8-14." As a first step, the SBrick is now compatible with Scratch, a programming language which uses an intuitive drag-and-drop methodology to teach coding in a sophisticated way. As children create with Scratch, they learn to think creatively and work collaboratively. This also leads to better systematic reasoning. In practice what this means is that any child can program a set of commands using Scratch - which runs in any browser - and then send those commands to the SBrick, which will carry them out. This is both programming and robotics. With so many schools and institutions having Maker spaces within their premises, the addition of SBricks can breathe new life into LEGO® Power Functions motors and lights. Children already enjoy building and creating with LEGO®; an addition of SBrick(s) provides countless ways to incorporate these powerful tools into education. It's a very exciting time for SBrick." What you’ll need for using SBrick with Scratch: An SBrick of course, and something to put it into. You can buy this from our store, and get a lot of ideas on our facebook site. A BLED112 USB bluetooth dongle from Bluegiga / Silicon Labs. You can buy one at DigiKey, Mouser or RS online. This device can be plugged into an USB port, and will look like a standard serial port. This allows using it on a wide range of devices. The S2bot Scratch helper application from PicAxe. This application can connect to various robotic platform such as PicoBoard, Sphero, Ollie, BB8, and of course SBrick. This application acts like a “glue” between the browser and the hardware by providing a tiny web server on your computer, so it can “translate” from browser to hardware and vica versa. Follow the installation instruction described on the site. A Scratch account and a little bit of experience using Scratch. Visit https://scratch.mit.edu/ to register, and start your adventure with programming. Configure SBrick with S2Bot on Windows Configure SBrick with S2Bot on Linux Configure SBrick with S2Bot on OS X Please, if you know about any summer camp or school, that teaches kids LEGO® robotics, and would like to include SBrick for improving the curriculum, contact us at: info@sbrick.com
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