Everything posted by AstroNutz
Winter Village - Elves’ Workshop
The outside is very plain as it mostly uses wall panels. The top floor has windows and snow falling off the roof. How I set up my winter village, the other side ends up facing the wall so I didn’t put a lot into it. I’ve considered some leaves and such
Winter Village - Elves’ Workshop
Each year I add a build to my Winter Village. A few years back this started as a single story workshop but it’s grown. The bottom is left empty as a storage location for the toys from the advent calendar.
Banthas and Dewbacks in our future?
As I look at my the LEGO woolly mammoth on my desk, I think how easy it could be to make a “close” Bantha out of it. Sure the tail is longer but replacing the head could be rather easy. Looking at the triceratops in the latest Jurassic set and I see a dewback. Again the wrong tail on the body, but a new head would be easy. Would LEGO use new heads with existing bodies or would the IP require a closer appearance to the movie creatures? Note sure my motivation but I’ve been wanting to to build out Tatooine scenes.
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC winners thread
Manatee arrived in Florida but it looks nothing like those that swim in our waterways. Thanks again @CopMike
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC winners thread
Thanks @CopMike. I know it's a lot of work.
Review: 70841 Benny's Space Squad
I saw on some of the AFOL blogs that these sets are rather difficult to get. So I was really happy to see that LEGOLAND Florida had plenty of them. Unfortunately the only LEGO Movie 2 polybag available was Emmet's 'Piece' offering (30340). Of course I got it anyway. I definitely plan on doing some 'army' building. :)
Brick Built Figures
Was at LEGOLAND Florida and they were clearing out minilanders of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy, and Obi-Wan. Apparently there were gifts with purchase last year. Minilander are brick built figures that they use in their miniland displays. Here are the Brickset links to those being sold. Luke Skywalker Leia Organa Han Solo Chewbacca Obi-Wan Kenobi Granted each would be easy to build but I thought the promo sets would be fun for my collection.
Friends Polybag Tulips with bee (30408)
I was at LEGOLAND Florida yesterday and they were selling another Friends flower. Polybag 30408 is two tulips in a pot with a brick built bee. I usually see some polybag in January that I have a hard time finding later in the year.
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC winners thread
Fun to wake up and see my build show up in the advent calendar. Thanks CopMike for running this again. And thanks to all of you that keep the EuroBricks Forum running!
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC entry thread
I've been a fan of the Victorian style Father Christmas.
- Raffle: Making a Monster!
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
I just discovered that Zan minifigure comes with a Flat Tile 1X1, Round transparent (6214265) that actually has a face in it. Just spent a half hour trying to find that piece. Finally found it.
- [REVIEW] 70629 - Piranha Chase
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
To bad. With Dimensions gone and no additional CMFS, we probably lost the chance to see some of the licensed characters. Based on LEGO Ideas terms, we can't see any of these license sets, like Wizard of Oz or Gremlins.
40177 City Jungle Explorer Kit
Does anyone know when 40177 City Jungle Explorer Kit was released or will be released? It's listed as a 2017 set but I haven't seen it anywhere. I've been to LEGOLAND and watched the calendars so I don't think I've missed it. Been trying to get a LEGO set for the past few years that includes a tent. I'd hate to spend money on eBay for one and then finally see it sold in stores.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Could there be a chance that there will be a third series? After watching the movie again, I realized that there could have been other Phantom Zone characters, like gremlins other than Spike and the Mr. Smiths. Or even another Flying Monkey variant. I miss when the CMF included minifigures that could be used for "army" building. Would be fun to have a bunch of gremlins.
LEGO Batman Movie Advent Calendar?
Has anyone else been keeping their fingers crossed for a LEGO Batman Movie Advent Calendar? Obviously behind the final door would be Krampus Bat. That would leave six or seven other minifigures, for various Rouges or a Batgirl variations. Possibly Arctic Bat. That leave sixteen slots for various items. The required holiday scenery could recreate the Winter Gala from the movie. I wonder if there could be bat gadgets or components to make some of the other bat suits. Like (Nexo Knights) Lavaria's wing an Magpie's armor to create the Winged Avenger.
DC Super Heroes - 76052 Batman™ Classic TV Series - Batcave
I'd like to see one of those crazy traps that we could only see Batman and Robin get to "See what happens next week. Same Bat time. Same Bat channel.
DC Super Heroes - 76052 Batman™ Classic TV Series - Batcave
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another '66 set as well. The LEGO set was part of the 50th Anniversary of the TV series. I did some research and found that Adam West and Burt Ward also did the voice over for Batman: Return of the Cape Crusader which was a '66 style new Batman cartoon released in November. Rotten Tomato gave it an 89%. An interview with Adam West stated that William Shatner has signed up to voice Two-Face in the next installment. It could mean another 66 set, if only in much smaller form. Which would be fine. I'm also hoping that we're able to visit the '66 Batcave through either a Delorian or Tardis gateway on LEGO Dimensions.
Any sign of Target Cube 2017? - Saturn Girl?
Thanks. I tried to do a search and wasn't finding much. I saw some clone Saturn Girls and thought maybe there was more to an official LEGO minifigure.
Any sign of Target Cube 2017? - Saturn Girl?
Has anyone heard anything about a Target Minifigure Cube this year? There was one in 2014 with Superboy and 2015 with Lightning Lad. I was really hoping to see a 2016 set with Saturn Girl.
Legoland Star Wars Weekend (9/10 & 11)
Just got home from Legoland Florida's Star Wars Weekend. They did a great job with their give aways. All season pass holders got an A-Wing Fighter Pilot Purchases of $30 or more got you a 1st Order General. Probably the best was on Saturday, your family got a silver C3P0 for completing a scavenger hunt in miniland. We only really got one as one bag was open and was empty. I was seeing kids throwing them up in air. Getting home those sames sets are selling on E-Bay for $50. They also had the 501st Legion on hand in full costumes. Among who you would expect, main character wise, there was Wookie Royalty and two women Sandpeople. This is the first time I've seen minifigures as a park giveaway.
CMF Series 17 Guessing Game
I'd like to see a set for mostly mass collecting or "army building". Each would have slight variations in between. Like two different faces or a different accessory. I have tons of cops, robbers, and construction people. Would like to see other ones. In 16 the set only ones that fit that was the Rogue, Scallywag Pirate, and Desert Warrior. I would still throw in some individual ones for fun. For instance: For LEGO City 1) Paramedic with a stretcher 2) Parking meeter attendant with a parking ticket 3) Bicycle delivery person with satchel and helmet For LEGO City (outdoors) 4) Park Ranger man (two different faces) with a wolf 5) Park Ranger woman (two different faces) with another animal 6) Bird watcher woman (two different faces) with a bird For LEGO Space 7) Alien Defense Unit solider (normal and possessed face) 8) Space alien with a space pet/ symbiot For LEGO Kingdom and Pirates 9) Peasant farmer with pitchfork and duck 10) Peasant woman with washboard and second different upper part For LEGO Holiday Sets 11) Pilgrim woman 12) Pilgrim man Adding my vote 13) Blacksmith 14) Guy in a pizza suit My fun addition 15) UFO conspiracy theorist with a foil hat and antenna For my own reasons :) 16) Guy in a hippo suit
[MOC] EV3 Catching a Ball in Mid-Air
AstroNutz replied to dsharlet's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingSimply wow! To think that LEGO robotics can be pushed to this level is impressive.
LEGO Olympic Set Comment
I wouldn't expect them to be global release. DFB was not. LEGO already does super exclusive releases too. Look at ComicCom with Atom and Hydra Captain America this year. I feel like the Olympic series would have their own draw and the draw of regular Olympic memorabilia collectors. I just don't see buy another Olympic mascot set. Especially one that uses stickers rather than custom pieces.
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