[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
Why are you all acting as if this is going to be some EXTREMELY limited thing that they're just going to stop making after a few months. It's not. Just because some of you need to have it now-now-now-now-now-now-now-now doesn't mean that it is going to be some insanely limited edition item. There is no need for them to create a wait list like that because everyone who TRULY wants one is going to be able to get one. Just have some freaking patience for an $800 Lego set. Good lord.
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
Not to mention (despite what some people here seem to enjoy assuming) that there are A LOT more people looking to buy the ~700 piece/~$60 sets than there will ever be looking to buy the 7,500 piece/$800 set. They were NEVER going to just make the assumption that tons and tons of people were going to run out day 1 and buy this set, hence they are taking production slower, which is what a responsible decision maker should do. If someone is willing to spend $800 on a Lego set September 14, I'm going to go out on a limb and say they'll be willing to spend that October 1. Or November 1. Or December 1.
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
All of that and yet you will still buy 1 the second they are available. So really it all means nothing. It's an 800 freaking dollar Lego would be stupid of them to just assume it is going to be hugely, massively popular and over produce. And that's not even getting into the intentional business strategy of controlling inventory to artificially increase demand. You know anything about Nintendo? They're the masters of that and have been doing it for many, many years. Again, it's an 800 freaking dollar Lego set. Calm down. It's not like they are only making 1000 of them and after that NO ONE will be able to buy them. So you weren't able to spend $800 on a Lego set the first day it was available. I'd say in the big scheme of things this is not a big deal. You'll be fine.
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
I was able to backorder this morning, can't say I have any experience with doing that from the Lego Shop. They'll just contact me when it's in stock and ready to ship I assume? It said 30 days on the page but I imagine that's just a placeholder and not a definitive timeframe. Doesn't really matter to me when I get it, just wanted to get my order placed.
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
Saw it in person at the Lego Store Thing is just massive. I was trying to get a gauge on how far the landing supports on the bottom are from each other to know if it would fit on my current would definitely be close lol. Geez. I'll be trying to get one this week, we shall see I guess.
21128 The Village - LEGO Minecraft
It's an ok set for what it is, and these sets are probably about as good as you can do in regards to bringing Minecraft to Lego. But I just don't get the same feeling of it being an "appropriate" adaptation from the source material to Lego with Minecraft that I do with many of the other licensed sets. It's funny because Minecraft is in so many ways a variation of Lego, maybe that's why they're a hard thing to merge together. I love Minecraft and ironically enough pretty much the only Lego sets I have are the more expensive ones, but the Minecraft sets just haven't done much for me.
- Doctor Who General Discussion
DC Super Heroes - 76052 Batman™ Classic TV Series - Batcave
I love the minifigs, I love the vehicles, the design of the cave/house is passable but a bit awkward looking, it's just the price that seems a bit off. I imagine it's $270 because of the 9 minifigs it comes with and little else. If it came with say, 3 or 4 minifigs, it would probably be closer to the $200 mark. I'm not sure why people are saying they'll wait for a "sale,".....when does stuff like this ever go on sale? Unless you're referring to a VIP points promotion or something.
DC Super Heroes - 76052 Batman™ Classic TV Series - Batcave
I can't help but laugh at the discussion of whether or not this (or any) Lego set is "worth" the money. NONE of these sets are worth the $200+ that they are priced at if you're going to get into that kind of discussion. They're freaking Lego's that you put on display and they just sit there for eternity, gathering dust. You cannot put a price on emotional worth, which I would think people who frequent this forum would plenty understand. If you are buying expensive Lego sets with this much analysis into financial worth....then maybe your money should go elsewhere. I understand some of the thoughts...I look at it myself and somewhat wonder where some of those 2,500 pieces are going but I loved the original Batman TV show, I love the looks of the minifigs, I love the batmobile, I love the Wayne Manor portion, I know I will love seeing it. Thus I'm getting it. But come on now....let's stop with all of the finanical planning stuff when we're talking about buying Lego's.
- Simpsons 2015 Rumors and Discussion
75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters Discussion
Any word yet on whether or not this set will go on sale early for VIP members?
75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters Discussion
Nice to know that it definitely fits the Ecto-1, I figured it would. I imagine I will buy it, still interested in seeing the inside though. Must be a lot of detail in there for that piece count. I also can't believe they didn't include Walter Peck as a minifig. I mean come on....he was actually IN the building, and he had some good moments in it.
75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters Discussion
Really looking forward to seeing the interior when you consider the size/piece count.
Simpsons 2015 Rumors and Discussion
I am nowhere close to a millionaire and I have The Simpsons House, Kwik E Mart, and all their minifigs. Everyone spends their money on things they don't "need," we all just have different thresholds for what we find to be worth it or not. Look at the endless amount of Star Wars Lego's.....imagine how much $ people have spent over the years on those. A hell of a lot more than the combined cost of every Simpsons Lego released, that's for sure. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Batman, Minecraft, and many others, there are a lot of Lego releases that equal a lot more than every Simpsons release. The Shield Helicarrier is $350. The Tumbler is $200. The Millenium Falcon is $150. There is a Minecraft set with less than 1,000 pieces that's $100. The Tower of Orthanc is $200. And I could go on and on. Anyway....they are toys for kids that adults spend a lot of money on to collect. The Simpsons stuff isn't any different from all the other series. If it sells well enough, they'll keep making them until they run out of ideas. Which with The Simpsons probably isn't much longer anyway. I would think at most they would do 1 or 2 more minifig series, and MAYBE 2 or 3 more environments.
- Simpsons 2015 Rumors and Discussion
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