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Soggy Cheetoh

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I'm jealous of all the folks that already have there manuals and ordering parts. I submitted my request 2 hours after it was announced here on Nov 3rd. I did get my follow on email a couple of days later to which I replied to right away. I'm now on day 5 of waiting to get the paypal payment information.
  2. To be fair. Mirko did hope to have the instructions released before summer, but also said "Certainly within the year". So no promises have been broken. Be patient, the man doesn't owe us anything.
  3. Thanks Mirko, looking forward to it.
  4. Have you gone to this link to order the instructions? https://alloutbrick.com/
  5. Looking forward to buying the instructions.
  6. The 4215b's are used on the outside of the sand crawler and can switched out with bricks with no problem.
  7. I was looking at some of the interior shots that Bricksmarlin shared, that showed some really nice customization work he had done. There's one piece that I haven't seen before and I'm hoping someone might be able to identify the part # for me. I out lined it in red below:
  8. Such a beautiful model. Can't wait for the instructions to come out.
  9. Thanks for posting this. I ended up buying the parts and now have this little dude sitting on my desk at work.
  10. StarBricks, I rarely if ever post on forums as I enjoy reading them far more than I like posting in them. That being said, I wanted to voice my support for whatever you decide to do. You are truly an artist and your Lego creations are works of beauty. I like many others have been keeping an eye on your website in hopes that the instructions would become available. Having your work plagiarized and stolen for a complete strangers financial gain is sadly nothing new. Just in today's world it's become a global problem and some countries and cultures are notorious for doing it. I think what you've done so far in making a hard cover manual is smart in that at least you have some control over where it goes and adds a layer of difficulty for someone wanting to reproduce it. I believe like others have said, the AFOL community stands behind MOC creations and would never steal another members work, if you choose to sell your instructions, know that those of us that get them will protect them. Regards, Alec
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