About Me
I loved playing Computer games Since 1986. But in recent times i got (very) annoyed by the lack of games i actually like. When i play a game, the most important thing to me is, to immerse into the game world and the freedom to do what i want, at the pace i like. But most games tend to be either too short (like most Single player games) and too simplyfied or are MMORPGs (which i passionately hate, for many reasons. One being, other people completely destroying immersion, or being dependent on other players in general).
In my early years of PC gaming i loved playing minimalistic (comparable to todays standards) roleplaying games, especially the old Goldbox AD&D games and the Ultima series (which i can barely remember for some reason), which where more like reading a book than anything else. I think it was mostly because most of the action was taking place in the players imagination, unlike most Video games nowadays or even certain Lego themes (Hello N*** K******).
To make things short, my sollution was to create a single player Pen and Paper RPG, just for myself. I studied LOTS of P&P RPG rules over the years, which ranged from very simplistic to very complex, but since i want to have this game to be played just by one person alone, the rules have to be very streamlined and minimalistic, even for my low standards. Of course the Game (which is more like a Sandbox RPG than anything else) is aimed to be played with LEGO minifigures and is still a WIP.