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Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by Babaloveslego55

  1. but how would they make the buckets?edit: im now a citizen! yaay!
  2. how on lego earth could anyone make a >lego< bwe that cheap! even if its lego and not technic?
  3. i hope nothing else gets canceled! TLG if your reading this post stop canceling things i bet lots and lots of people are really disapponted about sets getting canceled! not the bucket wheel exavator the ip car is the flagship!
  4. i hope its not the flagship because i want the 300 euro ip car!
  5. my guess is that they are going to relece the bwe next year
  6. not the most beautiful machine but how could we did massive holes without it?
  7. i dont say anything negitve about something that i dont like because someone else might want them!
  8. and i hope they dont cancel the ip car if they read this topic! but really why so many dislikes on the ip car! you can always get it cheaper on amazon!
  9. i disagree rc is fun! what if they are going to a give us a crome ip car? you wouldent want to miss that! for what?
  10. your forgetting about the ip car! mabie the reason that the ip car cost 300 euros is because they are making a fully cromed car!
  11. sorry just amased about a whole 90 pages of info is here!
  12. you mean you havent seen the 1h picures yet?
  13. probley because all the kids want them for christmas! its got lots of useful parts like gears pins axles (including a rare 32L one!) yellow parts and many other parts!edit:and its fun to play with!
  14. tip: dont look for small sets right away after christmas!
  15. what like the (have to wait a month) amazon?Edit: if you dont understand what i said here is the long version: what like the (you have to wait a month for the prices to go down) amazon?
  16. he was talking about a bigger set not helicopter!
  17. try looking on ebay international sellers and see what comes up!
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