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Everything posted by NickAb

  1. What do you need? armored and equipped soldiers like these: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100315035850/callofduty/images/3/36/Special-ops-soldier.jpg http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111203213434/callofduty/images/archive/8/89/20120120222423!Price_MW3_stronghold_model.png or more of these (rouge fighters, almost no equipment) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/archive/0/01/20120531155829!Price_MW3_model.png http://saveandquitgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/prague_resistance_rioter_civ_02.jpg
  2. @vynsane, I see you added LEGO color palette for Illustrator, I guess it is based on Peeron color chart. There are basically 3 variants of pallets close to official LEGO colors. And I think we should decide to witch palette we would stick, to prevent minor color deviations. Here are some options: Peeron color chart RGB value Peeron color chart CMYK values LEGO color chart PDF released in 2010 Basically I prefer CMYK, as its was created especially for printing. Did you used some kind of script to generate Illustrator palette based on Peeron RGB values? If so, can you please re-generate palette but based on CMYK values. So, if you have automated means for generating palette based on Peeron, then I would suggest to stick to Peeron CMYK, else we should stick to your Peeron RGB palette.
  3. I made simple design with webbing texture (based on one used for torso): I suggest you to print out it on regular paper and check sizing, get some practice folding it around leg shape (especially lower area).
  4. Yeah, I know about line-breaks difference, it really matters when part of team writes code on linux and other part on windows, but SVG files are rarely read and edited in text editor. Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator don't care which line breaks are used, they will open file anyway. Plus after editing and saving file localy both Inkscape and Illustrator will reformat file, placing default for current system line-breaks. So fixing line-breaks might be not that important if causes some problems with committing/merging/etc.
  5. Here it is
  6. Here is Green Goblin. I tried to stick to reference images as much as possible, but due to minifig torso shape its hard to do a good shoulders design based on reference.
  7. Is .gitattributes really necessary for SVG repository? Thought SVG files can be edited in text editor it really happens rarely.
  8. Adding PNGs to main repository may cause two problems: growth of repo size (at least twice a size of only SVG repo) // well it is not such a big problem now days, but still clutter I think it might be better to create an additional site (or github) that will have only png previews and links to original SVG files. The content of such site might be auto-generated. Github have some APIs.
  9. I did not find any dpi fix for Illustrator. Currently I'm using SVG templates from resources folder, that way my designs (in Adobe Illustrator) are little bigger than they should be, but when I export them to Inkscape due to difference in default DPI they become of right size. So I'm working in illustrator not in right scale, but as result when I open SVG in Inkscape I'm getting right sizes and ready for print decal. Hope it makes any sense.
  10. You'll need to register at github.com. THe easiest way to start with git is to use GUI application, like Github for Windows (Mac/Unix). After you download and install Github client you would be able to clone repository with a single click. After that you can add new items to the library locally, they will become available for others after committing and syncing with remote repository (store at github.com). Here is the small review of GUI http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/05/hands-on-github-for-windows-takes-the-pain-out-of-using-git/ Here is the basics of console git http://cworth.org/hgbook-git/tour/
  11. Here it is Torso based on "kimono.(CMF3 Samurai).svg" template by Emperor Krulos
  12. I believe it will be nice to have all sorts of decals. We just need a separate folders for different kinds of decals. It was discussed in few previous posts. I think Emperor Krulos is going to create some subfolders to organize stuff. It is always great to have more contributors.
  13. I made design only so you can print decal by yourself. (added dark background to help you cut it out, added eye outline and minor fixes to bandages). Older version can be found here. Editable SVG can be found here.
  14. It might be a good idea. So we can have a place for tile decals etc. But some decals like shields might be better fit for figures library, especially if they are be placed in same folder as torso designs of same faction. Also I have forestmen symbol and some shields designs, I'll add then later.
  15. I've started to move files. But I don't know where to move Mortal Combat. It might fit to fantasy category, but maybe we should create Games category or something.
  16. Here is my suggestion for starting directory layout Civic - police, firemen, farmer, bank teller, etc. Fantasy - lord of the rings, harry potter, etc. Historic - ancient rome, pirates, western, world war, etc. Sci-Fi - space pirates, space marines, mass effect, etc. Superheroes Other I think it will be enough for start and as the library grows we can group decals in subdirectories. Also it might be a helpful to add direct link for zip-archive of library to the first post.
  17. Regarding licensing I would suggest using one of Creative Commons licenses: Attribution-NonCommercial Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Also we should note that the attribution is not necessary but appreciated.
  18. No objections. I once used github before for my software project. I thinks it is the most simple (and free) solution/ Plus there are a lot of tutorials on how to use github. Such project will need a clear guidelines on keeping files organized (subfolders for different elements and themes). Writing and following such guidelines might be the hardest part.
  19. I think it is really a good idea. And I'm willing to participate.
  20. I've recreated TLG's design for Harldir, here it is: (Editable SVG can be found here)
  21. Here is TLG's CMF S7 Bunny Guy back design
  22. Hi. I had some free time and created Enchantress decal based on here outfit from animated series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Editable SVG version
  23. I'm not sure about color (because I don't have any olive green torsos to match the color). So here is SVG (you can use free InkScape to open it) and AI files, so you can modify it easily, change colors etc.
  24. Warfare Modern Soldier template Bomber Telogreika TV series BBC's Sherlock Sherlock Watson Chuck Chuk Iconic I made some torso designs of royal Canadian mounted police to accompany royal British guard from CMF s5. Front torso designs with & without holster: Royal Canadian Mounted Police Generic TLG's official designs recreations
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