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Everything posted by Deathstroke77

  1. Welcome! And I agree, both are going to be certain buys for me whenever I find them.
  2. @SpiderJazz I know right, it's pretty amazing. I'm not sure on the price, but the set was 8096, Palpatine's Shuttle. I think Vader has a new face too, in this set, I think a white-skin version of the burned Anakin face.
  3. What happens to him isn't our concern, let the mods sort him out.
  4. I agree on both parts, a huge improvement on the 2010 (?) version. I believe it said $24.99, which is pretty reasonable, actually.
  5. Guys, let's just leave this behind. He's a fake, and we're annoyed, but we should just move on and get back to all the good stuff we've had come today. We might even get more in the coming days with the UCS Snowspeeder. We needn't give this troll any more attention than he deserves.
  6. I'd imagine so, I'm not sure if they ever show polybags at Toy Fair, certainly not ones like that, anyway.
  7. Yeah, I think I can imagine the 'friend' Gareth refers to, and he's always very reliable. That more or less wraps this up, we should probably move on, towards the things we know are coming. Am I the only one who has an odd inclination to buy the Speeder Bike set? I rarely buy the buildable figure stuff but this has caught my eye.
  8. Admittedly, this is sounding less and less convincing as this continues. Moderators, anywhere?
  9. Because posting a leak as big as that here will not only get him in trouble, but also the site for having the leaks here. So, while I'm desperate for images too, it's best for those guys not to publically share the link.
  10. Ok! I'm just saying, y'know what happens when people hear such exciting details and they turn out to be false. But, if this is true, then my wallet is going to be aching.
  11. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the information we've received, but, no offence to ForceGhostSolo, how do we know this is all true? There isn't really anything to back this up other than, well, nothing, really, and apparently the pictures he saw were on a 'website' - he's not even at NYTF, and I imagine someone would've found this website and shared on almost every platform possible the images of these sets. It just kinda sounds like what we want to hear. Don't take that the wrong way, ForceGhostSolo, honestly I trust your info and I'm grateful for it, it sounds very exciting, but there isn't really anything or anyone else to back up what's been said.
  12. We probably shouldn't descend into wild speculation about what is what, and who is who - that'll just get confusing for everyone in the thread.
  13. Sounds like the Knights of Ren, to me.
  14. If I had to guess, it's probably Kylo's TIE Advanced that was rumored for the film. However, we probably shouldn't speculate.
  15. Thanks, much appreciated. So excited!
  16. Oh, yikes . Not as cheap as first thought. That's still a reasonable price though, if it is going to have Snoke and Kylo in the same set.
  17. Thank you very much for that. I imagine Luke will be highly sought after, like Kylo was with his Shuttle when TFA came out. The news that Snoke (or what you believe to be Snoke, you said you were unsure earlier) will be in a cheap-ish set has made my day, really, since I'd really like to get my hands on a Snoke figure, and if he's coming out in a relatively cheap set, I shouldn't have to wait long. Also, I have to ask - does Kylo still have the same mask?
  18. Possibly. Bossk is very likely going to be updated, since he hasn't appeared since, what, 2011? Dengar seems to be the same as the Freemaker version, I doubt IG-88 will be needing much of an update, however, 4-LOM is completely new - the moulds and prints are almost undoubtedly completely new.
  19. Not really, other than we have some new variants of the figures.
  20. To add on to nrg's post, here's the Brick Show's close up looks at the sets:
  21. The new Burnt Anakin looks fantastic, definitely the draw of that set for me.
  22. Would certainly be an awesome figure, for sure.
  23. Yeah, it was rumoured to be a retail exclusive, so it wont be shown there.
  24. Box art images for al the Summer sets (unless it's missing any of them, but I don't think it is)
  25. Vader Transformation set pic
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