10278 Police Station
Each number has one or two bags, I believe 6, 9, 10, 13 and 14 have two and that 11 and 12 have one. Sadly, I cannot remember the rest and I don't know if I'm certain. Of course, if you are under the impression that you miss bags with a certain number, you can check that section of the instructions. If you fear it spoils the build, contacting LEGO itself would be the best course of action.
- 25%(ish) MOC - Corner Deli with a 4th corner
Xbox vs PlayStation: Why are the debates so heated?
I don't know why, there are few difference between the Xbox and the Playstation. Besides that why should such things matter, you should go for the system which has the games you like. Which comes down to exclusives in this case.
One Word At A Time Story
One Word At A Time Story
LEGO: why the poor packaging?
I personally think the packaging is fine, the boxes are meant to be thrown away and if you don't want to throw them away you have the larger boxes with lid. The polybags inside are good as well, they keep the price down. On the alternate models that used to be on the box I also have a few comments. Even though I only have one set which has these models on the box(4559), I would like it if they returned. I remember getting this set for my seventh birthday and after I built the set I took a look at the back of the box, seeing the alternative build with the steam engine. Of course, I wanted to make it but there were no instructions. So what did I do? You may ask. Well, I disassembled the main build and started on the alternative build. After a while it turned out just like the one on the box. And the other two alternate builds included in the instruction booklets were also like this. You could build them with just the few pictures you had.
- Modulars - how many of each do you have?
What Modular Should I Buy?
I had the same dilema, of the four modulars currently available the one I wanted most is temporarily out of stock so I had to choose a different one. I choose the Parisian Restaurant and now have a schedule for the rest of the modulars. I will be buying PS in November, PC in December, DO in January and BB in February. If PS would be retired before november 25th I could always move the entire schedule a month forward. Of course it's entirely up to preferences but I suggest getting the older modulars first if they are still available, it will save you from regret and save you a lot of money if you decide to get them when they've already reached eol.
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