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  1. This. The minifigures were great, the rest not so much. Local Wal-Marts all still have at least two varieties of Beat Boxes on clearance. I regret passing on S.2 of the Bandmates. They were part Wal-Mart's Christmas stocking stuffer displays, but I mentally just wasn't into it. Thought they'd stick around a little. Wrong! lol.
  2. Images of Hasbro's X-Men '97 product have started popping up, and it's classic tiger stripes for Wolvie. The CMF probably can't do too much different than the mech release. I heard a murmur that there may be some costume evolution in the show, however, to something resembling the Astonishing X-Men look. :shrug On one hand, I can't blame them, as it's his definitive look, and since it's tied to specific media it wouldn't make sense to do his brown and ochre, Weapon-X, Patch etc. On the other, though, yeah, we just got the tiger stripe look.
  3. But it makes sense. That's how Jim Lee drew Beast, and that's largely what they based the Animated Series designs on.
  4. I was pretty much "tch, I don't care about extra parts, I want them in bags, damn it.", but if they're doing a "Build-a-Sentinel" I may not mind so much after all. I need these to leak toot sweet!
  5. It's not very aesthetic. I get the excitement, though. Did they really use an existing print for the rocking horse girl's head?
  6. Pretty fair series. The ref and space warrior are the only ones I might skip. Marie and the newspaper hawker are probably my priority figures. The costumes are neat, and I'm "in for a penny, in for a pound" on them at this point. Falconer's hair piece is pretty boring, but the falcon is a nice addition.
  7. Please be suspiciously Steve Irwin-like. Overall it reads like a fun series, and reminds me I need to finish off S.23 Lady Ref is pretty average, but I have a couple of die Mannschaft figs she can holler at. I'm not sure what they were going for on the Space Warrior, but they should have ditched one of those colors.
  8. I did, but didn't discount them bringing it back should they find a way they thought might make it work. I thought there were some very neat minifigure designs, but the sets were overpriced and the blind boxes were a no-go.
  9. S.14 was so much fun, looking back.
  10. Yeah, I reckon that would be helpful, lol. Texas.
  11. Spotted them at Wal-Mart today, so they're trickling out.
  12. The last paragraph definitely nails it for me. Definitely agree it's an unfocused series.
  13. Ah, makes sense. May need to go down there Monday.
  14. I think it may be a new piece? Doesn't say where he got them.
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