Everything posted by MetalRufflez
Review: 8065 Technic Mini Container Truck
MetalRufflez replied to mostlytechnic's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI really like the Small/Mid-Range sets (it's the only ones I can afford around here =P). I think they really do a great job with just a few pieces, and this model proves this point. It looks great and functional. Will get it asap Great review, as always =)
Models for 2H of 2011
MetalRufflez replied to menad's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIt's a wish of their founder, Ole Kirk Christiansen, he didn't want war to be seen as child's play (the only exception is the licensed sets like Star Wars and Indiana Jones)
Grohl's Creations
MetalRufflez replied to grohl's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI Opened my Christmas gift a little late and just built it: More Here: I couldn't get myself to peel off the stickers, so it's Big Foot with a Buggy Paint (and an 88 from the 8051 set). I didn't had some pieces, so I changed some colors. Also added a Driving Wheel (that I'm not completely satisfied with), a front grill and exchanged the driving axle for a bigger one and 2 half bushes, 'cause my 8 tooth gear kept slipping when I played with it (did this after taking the pictures)... Had great fun building this, it looks like a big brother of the 8261 Rally Truck. It's the first non-TLG set I build, and I felt great when I started having ideas to "improve" it. I thought that all my creativity was gone during the Dark Ages, but it's slowly coming back =). Thank you for this great MOC Grohl =D
Grohl's Creations
MetalRufflez replied to grohl's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingUnderstood, thank you, I'll keep them sorted =)
Grohl's Creations
MetalRufflez replied to grohl's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingKinda OffTopic question, but Grohl, how do you store your Lego? Since you do lots of those Alternates, I guess you keep them in separated boxes. If so, doesn't that takes lots of space and doesn't it difficult the MOC creation? (unless you only buy pieces to do MOCs) I bought 3 boxes with separators like this and I'm planning to keep all my sets in them, separated by piece type. I've directed this question to Grohl 'cause he do all that crazy alternates, but if anyone else wants to answer, please do, every advice is precious =) (and it's the first time I dismantle my sets, so...)
8068-b Tow Truck
MetalRufflez replied to JunkstyleGio's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNice video And I though of skipping this set, but the b-model looks so cool that I think I won't resist...
Hello from a returned LEGO fan
Welcome back to the the world of Lego and to Eurobricks =) I'm in the same situation, returned after 12 years, bought some set (well, I went crazy and bought 11=P) and will see if I can handle some MOC creating, just don't have my own house (yet) And you won't regret buying the Sonic Boom, that set is perfect =)
Hello from Another Continent
Thank you all for the warm welcome and happy 2011 with lots of bricks, axles and beams =)
CREATOR Review: 5892 Sonic Boom
Bought this set cause I've wanted to try some Lego System again after so many Technic and thought it was a good deal for the number of pieces, but, damn, now I don't want to dismantle the jet. Each step and I got more and more astonished by it looks and size (the biggest set I've ever build), even my parents were though it was awesome (and the usually don't give a shit about my legos). I think I'll give the Creator sets more attention after this Awesome set, and awesome review
8x8 trial truck
MetalRufflez replied to raus's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThank you for the indication, from the looks of it ( ), just need the PF, and my differential is the new one (but it looks like it doesn't matter)... I'll cool down for a little (just bought 13 sets in a month =D), and will order them from bricklink probably... In the meantime I'll disassemble all my sets, do the B-Model of them and after that try to replicate grohl666 alternates =) DLuders sent me their site (thank you btw dude), I'll sign up right away. Thanks
8x8 trial truck
MetalRufflez replied to raus's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI'm brazilian also and started buying lego sets again this year, plan to start build some MOCs soon, but don't even know where to start =(... Also, need to get a hand on some PF somehow...
1H2011 Models available at TRU Online
MetalRufflez replied to DarkShadow73's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI love the little ones for 2011, a pity the stores around here will only have them around June =P
8x8 trial truck
MetalRufflez replied to raus's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIt's nice to see a MOC with this quality coming from Brazil. Also, great Idea with the custom shock absorber
What did you buy today?
Happy Birthday! (its my birthday too) And that Fire Station looks terrific
What did you buy today?
Couldn't hold myself and bought another set =). A 8099 Midi-size Imperial Star Destroyer this time =) It's so beautifully well done, loved the Binoculars as Cannons
Small tractor
MetalRufflez replied to GuiliuG's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThat's so cool, loved the gearbox and it effect on the motor. Would really love instructions for this model, I'd like to replicate it if I had the pieces
Hello from Another Continent
Hey Eurobrickians (???) I've been posting here and there but didn't properly introduced myself. My name is Caio, best known in the interwebs as MetalRufflez, and hail from Banana Land aka Brazil! It's a shame that Lego is so astronomically expensive here (just an example, a NXT2 costs R$ 2300,00, approximately US$ 1371,00) and Lego S@H don't ship to this continent =P, but we do what we can to keep up with the hobby. I've been in the Dark Ages since 1998 when I bought a 2879, then this month I decided I wanted to try a Technic. I've saw them in the catalogs we had around here when I was a child and thought they were so strange, looked like a 3D Wireframe, but I've always wanted to try one, so I bought a 8259, and fell in love with Lego again, so I went frenzy and bought another 12 sets this month (no big ones unfortunately). Since it's Christmas and my Birthday, I had excuses. It's been a joy! I still like System (bought yesterday a Midi-Size Star Destroyer and loved it), but holy cow, Technic is so awesome, and the MOCs are so ludicrously well done that is inspiring me to try some stuff. I really want to do some RC thingy , but PF is really hard to bump around here, so maybe I'll try eBay or Bricklink. I didn't create any MOC (yet), but I love to photograph the Sets I build, so I've set albums for them here if you like to check them out: (didn't build the B-Model for the majority of them, still waiting for the other sets I bought to be delivered to do them all at once) That's pretty much it, you're an awesome forum and a great and dedicated community. See you around!
tatra 8x8 trialtruck building instructions
MetalRufflez replied to nielsvdv's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIt's a new piece used first in the 2010 sets:
What did you buy today?
Couldn't hold myself and bought a 5892. My first Creator set. Hope it arrives before 2011
What did you buy today?
Just got my 8169 Lamborghini Gallardo, t'was a good price for a Licensed Set here in Brazil (R$250 - US$148)... Still waiting for my 8261, 8256, 8049 and 8041 to arrive... (yep, just got a Lego Frenzy after 12 years and bought 12 kits this December)
Basic Off-Road Buggy "MOC" from 8256 Go Kart
MetalRufflez replied to tomacwhite's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWow, that's beautiful, and agreed with grohl, great photo
Basic Off-Road Buggy "MOC" from 8256 Go Kart
MetalRufflez replied to tomacwhite's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWOW That's awesome, put it in a box and it could pass for an official set. Beautiful, will try to replicate it. EDIT, just checked your BrickShelf, and damn, you do some fine alternate sets with so few pieces. Would love to see what you could do with a 8051
Basic Off-Road Buggy "MOC" from 8256 Go Kart
MetalRufflez replied to tomacwhite's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingJust got this kit and Would love to see this alternate, could the op please repost the pictures? TIA
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