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Everything posted by Mymaker123

  1. Mace is literally nothing but new prints.
  2. Really liking those new sets. I won’t get the microfighters because I already have the figures from them but both those figures were only available in $70-$150 Sets before, so it’s a good move for them to be cheap. Also I really like the Falcon build for some reason, don’t know why but I’m liking it leagues ahead of the 2014 one. Might just get for the build. The BP is neat, nothing worth army-building but I’ll get just one. Nice build, don’t have any of the new Tuskens so I’ll get just one for sure. Loving the combat speeder. I don’t mind disproportions, virtually every Star Wars set that isn’t a one-seat starfighter is way out of scale (FO Snowspeeder, Rey Speeder, FO Destroyer, AT-M6, Resistance Bomber...). More bricks means much better detail and I think it looks great for it. Plus I don’t have the newer white Grevious and an updated Windu is appreciated.
  3. I find that moisture vapourator very confusing; I really like the look of it but what’s with the burp piece? I don’t mind those flip-up functions, in fact when in its downward position I think it looks great, but there doesn’t seem to be anything under there to reveal...
  4. I long for the day when we get a seamless, unanimous decision on something being genuinely good....ahhhh who am I kidding that ain't gonna happen.
  5. I don’t know why, but that Luke might just be one of my favourite figures in a long time. Again, I’m not sure why since there’s some major inaccuracies with it, but as a product on its own separate from the on-screen counterpart it just looks so damn cool to me.
  6. Because apparently it's an overpriced rehash. People saying LEGO are bad because they've remade a set (like they do every couple years) and are charging a lot of money for it (thereby making them scummy cashgrab money makers). even though its about $2,500 less than the last one right now. It's basically whining kids and 20-something edgelords who thought something the size of a coffee table could be bought for their $200 Christmas money. 'But why isnt it Starkiler Base that wuld be more original lol Disney cash-grab zzzzz-SHUT THE F**K UP
  7. Seeing the comments on the YouTube and Facebook reveals. I f***ing hate this community sometimes.
  8. That kid must be MGF Customs. *Gigantic near-perfect display piece* "THAT ALTERNATE FACE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE CARRIE FISHER LEGO DIDN'T PUT ANY EFFORT IN"
  9. Got an email direct from LEGO saying 3x VIP points.
  10. Am I the only person who genuinely likes the majority of TLJ sets? Aside from the Scout Walker, which, yeah, is kinda lame, I think the rest look great! the transport has a huge amount of play value for such a small ship, the Silencer is an excellent display model (and no-one complained about the lack of action features on the other First Order TIE), The Bomber seems to be liked by most anyway as does BB-8, and the Heavy Assault Walker is the spitting image of the actual vehicle based on those new photos. I was never gonna get the Star Destroyers due to space constraints but it looks good too. The only plausible downside worth complaining about is the price, but since everyone here seems so disenchanted with these sets that they'll only buy them on discount that doesn't seem to be a problem for anyone here either...
  11. Has it been theorised that the pricing or piece count for the BB-8 and the Resistance Bomber may be the wrong way round? Considering that these prices originated from a random German toy shop, and therefore aren't a 100% concrete source, could it be that they got them mixed up. After all, €110 for a 1106 piece set and €100 for a 773 piece set seems more plausible, and isn't being too wishful since €100 for 773 pieces is still very high.
  12. Ah yes, the guy from Instagram. Unsure what to make of it, could of sworn I'd seen his username on here before, and couldn't remember if he was reliable or not...does _taylor_stevenson_ ring any bells to anyone? Thought he posted a wish list a while back.
  13. These are both incredibly relevant comments that completely correspond to the topic that this forum is based on. As we know, the moderators here are very lax about what we discuss and this is completely fine; after all, this forum does of course double as a film forum and discussing personal opinions that don't really relate to LEGO is actively encouraged. I just love to see hate for films I enjoy extend to places that I don't expect to find it ;)
  14. I think the primary issue about the lack of "fun" can be put on all previous leaks. Because of the initial 3 largest sets along with those minifig leaks, we had already seen all the figures before that sheet leaked. It does take away from the allure quite a bit. If I had gone straight to the store having seen absolutely nothing I would be much more excited I feel. With things like the Rogue One wave we got everything at once (that minifig sheet and set catalog from the back of the instructions leaked back in June), so all the hype came at once; sure it was earlier than September, but there was no slow twiddling away at it.
  15. Touché. As I've said previously we are indeed trapped in the "Mundane As F**k Zone". We never landed on the moon either.
  16. Alright, that's it, I've gotten the images now and any more should show up in my Instagram feed. Gonna go into a self-imposed hiatus until September 2nd, hopefully I'll skip all the whining and be able to enjoy my purchasing without the cancerous comments. I eagerly await the Winter Wave only for the EXACT. SAME. DISCUSSION. ALL. OVER. AGAIN. Seriously I might as well just copy the "these sets aren't that great/underwhelming/disappointing/might just BL the figures/Ew this is soooo overpriced/LEGO is going downhill/Why does LEGO hate us/Why is this so important/The end is near" response and post it the second those images come out...
  17. User 1: man, X looks horrible. This whole wave is super underwhelming. I used to be a fan but now... User 2: meh, X is alright, might get for figs. Wave is alright. User 3: man, X is beautiful! Day 1 purchase for me. ladies and gentlemen I give you the standard formula for whenever anything ever comes on this forum. To quote YouTuber ProZD, we truly are in "the mundane as f*** zone". Anyways, my thoughts! -Transport Pod looks pretty good, I really liked the design of that cockpit in the film, and if it turns out that it looks exactly like this in the film then I have no issues with the design. Plus 3 key cast members! -Scout Walker looks really nice. I like the genuine originality, sort of a sideways crab look, seems impossible to trip over showcasing some in-universe ingenuity. Other than the spring shooter bolts it looks great, may get depending on the UK price (£40 or less is a buy). -Kylo's TIE is a beautiful vehicle, genuine display piece right there. Instant purchase, seems to be the favourite of the wave for pretty much everyone. -I have no real interest in BB-8 as I like all my sets to compliment each other scale-wise but I do think it looks really nice! I might consider getting it as a gift to someone, again looks like a genuine display piece. -Bomber is also gorgeous, very dam-buster-esque. Other than those flimsy side panels it's looking good, fantastic figure selection too, strongest of the wave. UK price will influence my decision to purchase, plus my available funds. -Assault Walker was iffy at first but that higher angle has absolutely sold me, looks so much cleaner and less jumbled. Again great figures. Would buy this between this and the Bomber. -Again, the Destroyer doesn't interest me due to the scale but as a single Toy (WHICH IS WHAT THESE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, NOT 100% PERFECTLY ACCURATE MOVIE PROPS) it looks like some amazing fun. -The Elite guard looks awesome, the other buildable figures look ok to me. I'm sure they'll be good fun for kids to play with though, what with all that poseability! (OPTIMISM)
  18. Have we been alerted to the GBP price of any of The Last Jedi sets? Normally I would simply take $10 off the U.S price and that used to be about right, but things have changed in recent years; sometimes we get the same ridiculous overpriced sets as other nations (the Special Forces TIE was overpriced in the UK too) but sometimes we get very fair deals when the U.S get screwed (£130 for the Millennium Falcon as opposed to $150). This is forgetting about the exchange rate of course, I made peace with that frustration long ago. It's therefore difficult to work out prices for some of the larger sets; I can see the Walker and Destroyer being similarly priced due to the piece/part ratio, but I can also see the Bomber being much more reasonably priced over here for perhaps less than £100...
  19. Agreed. The January versions of ourselves (well, December versions for some of us) are goona look back at this and be all "well what a load of nothing that was". I mean I was initially annoyed but it took, what, an hour to get over it? At most?
  20. In hindsight the Luke dismay isn't actually a big deal at all. If the make-or-break deal for getting a $70-80(?) set is essentially 4 pieces and a cloth cape, then maybe that set isn't worth it to begin with. If the build for Kylo's TIE is really good and solid, much like the quality of the first First Order TIE, then it would be worth it with or without Luke; after all the majority of your money is being spent on the pieces for the build, not the figures. Same goes for this supposed First Order Scout Walker, if the build is incredible like the recent AT-ST then I don't mind the lacklustre figures because the vehicle will suffice.
  21. If we assume that the top right grey legs aren't Holdo based on the set number, then there's also certainly a new line of figures to show off with some yet to be revealed; for example, we haven't seen either set with BB-8, so assuming one of them is the UCS version there's another System Scale one yet to be shown. Also, if Holdo isn't in that image, then there must be another line up that showcases her and some other figures.
  22. Going off set numbers is perhaps the best way to go about that manual leak. For example, I've determined that the top right figure that's barely visible isn't Holdo as the set number is 75176 as opposed to 75188. Since the figures that appear multiple times such as the Stormie and the Black BB unit have multiple set numbers under them, it's safe to assume Holdo is exclusive to 75188 and therefore that top right figure isn't her. We know Rose has Tan legs and Finn has dark brown, so who's that? I don't know the set numbers for this wave off by heart so I'll go do some more digging and see if I can come up with anything else
  23. Well, some very specific battle packs would greatly benefit my budget as Instead of getting 6 or 7 of each on Jan 1st I can just get 1 of each. So this is a big plus to me as half my budget doesn't go to getting multiples of 1 or 2 sets!
  24. Honestly the whole stormtrooper narrow mouth thing is such a minuscule detail and complaint. It's like the OT "Teeth or black mouth" thing -- it really doesn't matter, I'll buy whichever one LEGO makes, it's completey irrelevant. Plus the current version means that TLJ stormies blend in with the TFA ones. The angry Clone complaint is also completely moot in my opinion. We never see stormies without helmets on so their expression makes absolutely no difference to me.
  25. welp this turned sour fast now didn't it.
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