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Everything posted by Mymaker123

  1. Again, this may of already been answered or speculated or denied....but frankly it's really late and I can't be bothered back-tracking the forum :D So is it possible that that all-black looking figure, second from the left on the Y--Wing box is Saw Gerrera?
  2. This may of already been answered but does anyone know what tomorrow's deals will be for the UK, free promotion-wise? I know some areas are getting Revan, some the First Order Stormtrooper, some even Admiral Yularen apparently; just wondering if there was any consensus about the UK promotion.
  3. I'm assuming that we are also getting an additional 2 BPs this year as well as these ones based off of RO, right?
  4. Presuming that we get Saw Gerrera in one of the RO sets, do you guys think we may get the Doctor Who/Tarkin hair in black for him? I can't really think of any other hair that would work as well, other than a new one. The easier option could just be that we get him bald (since both hair cuts are confirmed to be in the film).
  5. This isn't strictly relevant so apologies for that, but I find it a little bit spooky that a year ago today, the first wave of TFA sets came out... My God this year has gone quickly. It's been a pretty good year both LEGO and otherwise (I joined Eurobricks around this time last year), but still.... Guess time flies when you're having fun
  6. I'm assuming that most here have seen Just2Good's new video on his thoughts of the set. I noticed that quite a lot of new images, both brand new and higher res versions of older ones, were used in the video. Anyone got any idea where he got them from? Any imgur albums out there or somethin?
  7. It's always the same from what I can tell. I'm quite new here myself but taking 10 minutes to looks over previous year's discussions there's complaints all over the place. That's why I find it so funny with all these 'LEGO need to sack their teams and start again because these sets are awful and the designers are clearly complacent and lazy, this is the beginning of the end for LEGO' People - YOU'VE BEING SAYIN' THAT FOR YEARS NOW, AND LEGO IS LITERALLY THE MOST POWERFUL BRAND IN THE WORLD (at least it was last year http://brandfinance.com/news/press-releases/lego-overtakes-ferrari-as-the-worlds-most-powerful-brand/ ) Back on topic, I think these new sets are some of the finest ever, with the U Wing, At-St, Hovertank, and constraction figures looking amazing in my opinion. Plus, an awesome Death Star remake! (a copy of an amazing thing is surely still an amazing thing right?)
  8. Well, it's easily the best off-screen representation of the Falcon that has been made in LEGO, and the only one in true mini-figure scale. Also it's the actual building aspect: I'd imagine it's the most rewarding model you could build. And personally I think it's aged incredibly well what with all the intricate details, so much so that they decided to use the design in the LEGO TFA game almost a decade later. The secondary market price represents that too ;)
  9. Welp, I'm someone who never got, had enough room for, or could afford 10188, so this set is fine in my books. In all honesty this set still looks sensational - if 10188 hadn't come out this would be the best thing ever right now - but I can see the complaints for the AFOLs that own the previous model. Even for those hard core complainers here, at least this creates the silver lining that we could get a nearly identical 10179 remake in the future. Imagine that...exact same as the previous, but it has updated figures from both OT and TFA, maybe even Nien Nunb and Lando for ROTJ. £500/$600. I bet that would shut up all this 'LEGO is dropping the ball' nonsense ;)
  10. Erm...? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00WQRV6RQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_K2iTxb9P4FWCD
  11. I really do think that if they marketed this new DS as a remake of the 2008 version from the offset ("there's rumours that 10188 will get a remake in 2016") instead of suggesting it may be an all new model, there really wouldn't be half the complaints. I think this is less so an issue with LEGO or their designers (let's not get into that again...) and more so an issue with leaks not giving all the information which leads to our imaginations getting ahead of reality. If back in December rumours just said that 10188 would get a do-over with some awesome new minifigures and some 200 pieces to improve on the weaker aspects of the predecessor, people wouldn't mind that at all and wouldn't think anything of it. It's also worth noting that if 10188 just continued selling for another 8 years I doubt anyone would bat an eye, but because it gets a few tweaks, some new figures and a price adjusted for inflation along the way everyone suddenly loses their minds! ...if a new UCS falcon was rumoured and just turned out to be an exact copy of 10179 I bet no one would complain then... :)
  12. I salute your positivity here. This is the sorta thing I really like reading. People who just, plain and simple, love LEGO. No moaning about pricing or rehashing or low figure count or display ability, just straight up enjoy the brand and the build for what it's supposed to be; fun. Back on topic, I think that the DS may be revealed within the next 48 hours. The time of day that the Disney Castle got revealed was about 1hr 30 mins from now, so, high hopes :)
  13. Right, I may just completely stop posting here now. About 70% of this page is just grown men and women getting extremely infuriated about a toy brand. A. Toy. Brand. It's an awesome Toy Brand, and I'm glad so many people can gather to like it; that's why I'm so disappointed and generally just disinterested when the majority of people just seem to outright hate the brand, calling it lazy, complacent, and lacking (y'know, despite the fact that it's the biggest toy brand in the world). The hypocrisy here is unbelievable, and it's hard to stomach (good set one wave, loves the brand, bad UCS set, suddenly thinks it's a poor product that needs to pull its act together). Right, I'll just stick about to look at any news, and just completely blindsight anyone's actual opinion. I'll post a bit about any things I actually have a genuine opinion on, which is a scarce concept in general nowadays...I'm sure I won't be missed. ....I think this new DS sounds pretty solid in my opinion, the updated figures alone sound awesome and bricklink-worthy, and I don't mind a repeat of the previous version since, well, that has retired now, so there's a hole in the market.
  14. Ok, I'll retract that initial comment. Although I stand by the rest of what I said.
  15. Ok I've kept quiet this evening but I can't just sit back any longer... First off, calling out designers is way off topic so this post shouldn't really be tolerated for that alone. Secondly, that is a step too far. Who are you to say that these designers are 'disgusting'? I'm pretty sure that the AFOL community is far from their target audience - just look at the age recommendations on the box - so I highly doubt that they're designing sets to please people like me and you anyway, so it should be expected that there'd be some disagreement. Secondly, becoming a LEGO Desinger is an incredibly difficult task that is a lot of people's dream job. They all work their absolute hardest to produce the best possible products, as per LEGO's motto that 'only the best is good enough'. They'll be the first to notice a flaw in their work, not us. Whist they may drop the ball on occasion (what business doesn't?) they make an awful lot of fantastic products. Products that kids today will buy and be absolutely amazed by. Products that kids will think were the golden age of sets in a few years. All due respect, but I don't think you, or anybody here on this forum, has any authority to go that far and call out these people's careers. Show some respect. Now, back on topic (so that this post doesn't get removed...), I love the design of the TIE striker and I can't wait for HD images for the other sets. And a remake of the previous DS is something I really am pleased about since I didn't get the previous version either. :)
  16. I'm assuming that The Phantom set will simply be a re-release/design of the Rebels vehicle? I find this a little bit strange as a fair few of the 2014 sets are actually still on shelves in a fair few toy stores and supermarkets (my local supermarket always has tonnes of Kashyyk Troopers at retail price). That being said, I'm still pleased about this set as I thought the previous version to be a little underwhelming, so a new one - with perhaps an actual interior? - and, hopefully, some Season 3-Version figures sounds great.
  17. Ok, enough trying to dodge the question or word it differently: straight-up, does anyone have a clue about when this DS is getting revealed? And if you can't say, can you say at least if it will be revealed in this month? Pretty Pleeeease? :D
  18. Any chance of us getting Nien Nunb in the DS perhaps? I mean he did help destroy it and all. Ever since LEGO Force Awakens I've been craving a figure of the many jowl-faced man himself. If not, anyone got any ideas for a torso piece to make a custom version? :p Yeah I've got tonnes of stuff from RO that I wanna make. I'll likely be doing a Jedha and Scarif Moc, based off of scenes from tonight's trailer :)
  19. So can we expect the DS reveal relatively soon? What with the trailer for RO coming out tonight?
  20. Anyone got some suggestions about regular, official parts to make a Nien Nunb figure? I've got Ten Numb's head, a pair of standard red legs, but I'm not too sure about the helmet and torso. Suggestions?
  21. The new Star Wars Show episode just unveiled the U-Wing officially, and it reveals a new wing formation that it can apparently transform in to ( at around 1:56). Upon further analysis of the leaked image, I can kinda see some technic mechanism in between the engine pods, so this hopefully will be on the LEGO Model!
  22. This may of been mentioned already so excuse my lack of backtracking to check (also I've been inactive here for a while so I'm not really up to date), but does anyone know if there will be an exclusive LEGO set at SW celebration this year? What with the sancrawler diorama and dagobah diorama at Celebration and Comic Con respectively last year I'd assume it'll be the same again this weekend...?
  23. Based on this new information, I'd imagine the set list, from smallest to largest in terms of price, pieces and size, will probably be this: -75152 Imperial Combat Tank (placeholder; the speeder with the tank drivers) -75153 AT-ST -75154 TIE Striker -75155 Rebel Alliance U-Wing -75156 Royal Imperial Shuttle (placeholder; the command shuttle-like ship that explodes in the trailer)
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