Just to widen the discussion
Is a lego model village not a real model village? I think it would be very difficult to argue that a lego model village not a real model village.
The same logic could apply to trains. There is no doubt in my mind that a lego train is absolutely a real model train. This is true taking the literal definition of the word "model", but it is clearly true in practice.
If we look at why some would disagree, we need to see why they have come to that opinion. Does somehow admitting that a lego model train is a "real" model train deminishing their own hobby? Do they think an association with Lego would change how people viewed their own hobby? Perhaps they would see it more as a "toy", as Lego is also, and have a perceived (incorrectly)embarassment with that?
How many times have my peers and friends initially dismissed lego as a childrens toy, only to spend hours literally playing with them!
If model trains are toys then so be it. Whats the problem?