Everything posted by Corvus
Pharaoh's Quest 2011
This theme is looking great. Winged mummies? I'm in. The only thing I'm worried about are the adventurers. I know the pictures are preliminary, but they're very generic... I really hope we get some cool new facial prints.
Mars Mission
Very nice. I see that you took the term 'Red Planet' very seriously.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
The senate commandos aren't clones, but still, they're supposed to be good. You pretty much sum up my opinions on this. I think it had huge potential. The problem was that they took a serious episode and threw Jar-Jar into it, which completely ruined the mood of the story. I think even the fighting scenes have variation. For example, this one. Master Di was a really neat character. He seems like much more of a plausible Jedi to me than others such as Anakin or Ahsoka. He was completely selfless going into the battle, and I thought it was a shame to kill him off. Still, even though I thought the last stand was touching, it was kind of weak. Killi (like djmangunz mentioned above) wasn't really impressive, unless you consider duel-wielding impressive. I guess I was expecting a Force Unleashed moment for Di at the end.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
I'm pretty sure it's the ANH-Greedo. The ad was directed to kids- are they really going to know the difference? Besides, this is a relatively minor change for these guys. They did it for Bossk, so I'm not surprised they did it to Greedo, too. Kinda funny how all the people who are supposedly senior to Boba all end up being kinda incompetent. Like, say... rash young bounty hunters?
Let’s go Cosplay! - Minifig Customization Workshop Contest 2010
...This is the contest I've been waiting for. Unfortunately, I've just gone to college and most of my lego is back at home.
What are you reading?
It was pretty good. I've heard that the movie is only loosely related to the book, though. I haven't seen it, so I can't compare.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
As a whole, the quality of the episodes was much better than the last two seasons. Clone Cadets: First thing I noticed was the increase in quality. Most of them were little things. The mouth movements were less stiff, as well as the body movements. I don't know why, but even the way the sleeves rustled in their fatigues stood out- they just didn't do that before. And of course, were the big things- Kamino looked great. The CW does do a great job with the beautiful scenery. I liked this episode. The dialogue was great, the storyline was great. Now on to some of the questions I had running through my head: 1) Why are they training in 5-man squads? These are troopers, remember. They should be fighting in platoons. I suppose it fits with the scale of the show, though. 2) ARC troopers don't just 'get promoted', like giving medals to exceptional troops. True, they're all the same clone. But, the training of an ARC is so much more different. These guys were trained to be one-man armies. By Jango Fett. Personally. The two sergeants were neat. Bric was interesting... he added some depth to the show. Still, not nearly as cool as Vau, though, who probably would have done a lot more than just punching Cut-up in the stomach. I also liked the score for it. Fairly reminiscent of certain war films. ARC Troopers: I liked this episode slightly less. It seemed rushed, and they were just fast-forwarding through the battle. Plus it re-visited some of the old complaints I had about Grievous. I have to say, though, I was really disappointed by the ARC troopers. These guys are supposed to be death on two legs. Even though the ARCs in the animated CW were over-powered, we still come with a certain expectation of these guys being awesome. And yet, they just seemed to be stand-ins. They just died so the main characters didn't have to. That said, everything else was neat. I liked the battle between Asajj and Anakin. The choreography seemed better than previous episodes. Still, her line "Not this time" caused me to roll my eyes. Grievous said the same thing in Duel of the Droids, upon having his station blown up for the very first time. 99's death was sad. He tried, he really did. At the end, though, the battle just...fizzled. Not what we'd expect for an invasion of Kamino. Oh, and the promotion to ARC troopers. I'm all for clones being able to rise to the challenge, but this just blurs the lines too much between the regular troops and special forces. Oh, and where were the instructors that entire time?
What are you reading?
Let's see... I read Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead a few months ago. Great book. Frank Herbert's Dune two weeks ago. (I would've read the sequel, but I can't find it.) Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers last week. Just starting on Richard Dawkin's The Greatest Show on Earth. All good books.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
I think, being an ARC trooper, he was the last one out. So, she pins him to the wall with the force, pulls his helmet off, stabs him, then kisses him.. Still, I hope it's in the extended scenes when the season comes out.
Some people have all the luck...(non LEGO related)
Wow. A lot of lucky people, in the right place at the wrong time. But most of them are just idiots. Really, playing chicken with a train? You can't win, you can just avoid losing. I'm surprised by the amount of police officers in there. Are people trying to hit them? Who? Are you trying to say "Darwin?"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
Wouldn't they have droids for that? We know from many sources that the Kaminoans would just kill any 'defect' that they saw? The five clones in the episode have only had problems at the final stages of their training, so it makes sense that they'd be given extra training. They're already a valuable asset. 99 probably would've been spotted at birth. Although I think he will make the episodes very interesting. Nope! Thanks. The one with the instructors is neat. Shaak Ti seems great so far. EDIT: Here's an article talking about a scene they pulled out. Supposedly, Asajj has a clone up against a wall (presumably the ARC in the trailer), and she kisses him before leaving him there to die. That's creepy.
Lego Announces Lego City Video Game!
I only hope that it'll be something like Lego Island and Creator were. Maybe add some Racers in there too for good measure. Hopefully this won't be just action...I want something that Lego Universe wasn't.
Lego lost trademark challenge of usage of red 3D 2x4 rendering
I'm not sure what to think... we've had this in the US for a while, but how will this affect lego's quality? If they aren't able to maintain their high quality, then this just narrows the gap between the clone brands, who can start attracting customers because the jump between qualities isn't there anymore. Although if they want to save money, they can just start making their boxes smaller and lowering shipping costs. Again, Brickforge and Brickarms are not competitors to Lego. All the pieces they make are to supplement serious lego builders like us. I believe Will from BA still molds out of his garage. How does this seem like competition to you?
Rewatching the Clone Wars
IMO, at least the Death Watch has had some of the more intimidating foes we've seen so far. At least two of them managed to beat Obi into unconsciousness. Now that's one way to test it.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
On another of Filoni's answer sessions . This time it was in reference to two clones in The Zillo Beast who were named Hawkeye and Trapper. Being a huge MASH fan, I'm surprised I didn't catch that. Anyway, I that it was funny. I'm starting to really like these answer sessions. Episode guides are here: Clone Cadets and ARC troopers I doubt it. Even for ones like Yoda's or Darth Maul's, they used the standard. The only specific one has been Dooku's and Asajj's... Oh well. It would be neat, though.
Rewatching the Clone Wars
D'oh. You're right. I just connected the name Vizsla... most of this stuff is from the comic/graphic novels, which I don't read... Thanks for the correction.
Rewatching the Clone Wars
This episode just pissed me off, and I think you can guess why. Okay, so they needed some pacifists. Again. So what do they do? They turn to the Mandalorians. One of the most warlike races in the Star Wars Galaxy. What's the first thing that comes to their mind? Let's make them pacifists. Yeah, that'll go over well. So, why didn't they make up a whole new race of pacifists? These New Mandalorians have absolutely nothing in common with the EU Mandos. Nothing in common but their original names- Mandalore, Death Watch, and Pre Viszla. The Death Watch has also been seriously stomped on, too- Pre Viszla should be some 10-12 years dead by now, and the Death Watch disbanded. So, why not have some completely new planet? Hell, if they're bent on messing with Mandos, then they could've just used some other obscure planet in the Mandalore system, and have the Death Watch preying on them. Funny- I remember Filoni saying in an interview that he didn't want to degrade the iconic image of the Fetts, so that's why they didn't give the Death Watch any unique costumes. I actually think they got it backwards. Jango Fett absolutely hated Pre Vizsla for killing his mentor, Jaster Mereel.(Wrong Vizsla... point still stands, though. Jango did hate the death watch, and they didn't like him.) So why do all the Death Watch troops have armor that looks like Jango's and have blasters that sound the same as his? Plus, they also declared that Jango was "nothing but a common bounty hunter." This would mean that Jango wasn't Mandalorian, so he just wore the armor. Same thing applies to Boba, which degrades his iconic image quite a bit, IMO. Really, really a shame. /rant Now that that's out of the way, here's my alternate version, which I think would have been somewhat cooler. The Republic somehow ends up on Mandalore. I'm not sure how this would work, since Mandalorians are notoriously reclusive and distrustful of the Republic. However, I think this could have benefited the story- discovery of a Seperatist base, perhaps? Personally, I thought the Neo-Cubism style in the capital (apparently called Sundari... maybe a different planet than Mandalore?) is rediculous. After seeing Innocents of Ryloth, I thought the stark color scheme would have translated really well into the architecture of Keldabe. This is Star Wars, whose signature look is a used galaxy, not artistic. Keldabe would have been perfect for this- run-down and eclectic buildings all loosely arrayed around one big skyscraper (Mandalmotors), overlooking a river. Really, an opportunity for a breathtaking landscape that the Clone Wars team has been doing such a good job of. Then, think of the citizens. A multicolored array of people in full or partial armor. Very exotic, much more so than a bunch of blond people in tunics. If they threw in some Mando'a in there as side language, that would've been perfect- since there seem to be so few languages used in the CW other than Basic. Even Ziro the Hutt speaks Basic. There would have been plenty of opportunity for character development and battles. Perhaps Ahsoka notices all the hostility around her (What? You mean not everybody loves Jedi?) or maybe some temptation for Rex or other clones. And battles? Come on, we all saw Ep. II. I'd love to see Obi get another headbutt. Oh, me and my wishful thinking. EDIT: Oh yeah, I suppose I should comment on the actual episode. EU desecration aside, I liked the episode. The suicide was a dark touch, and the action was great. At least the Mandos in it weren't incompetent. Two of them beat up Kenobi, no mean feat. The darksaber was also cool, even if it made Vizsla look incompetent (which is reasonable when you try to swordfight with a Jedi).
Rewatching the Clone Wars
It's a contingency order, just like many others. There was an order to do the same thing to the Supreme Chancellor, if necessary. However, we all know that Sidious planned it from the beginning.
Star Wars
I would go to a football game for that. C'mon, Lucasfilm! Disney lets U of O use Donald Duck, so why not let these guys do Ackbar?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
Another one of Dave Filoni's answer segments on about the Bose troopers. Apparently Filoni calls them "Leia Troopers". Eh, I like my idea more.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Sweet! Looks like we have jetpacks! The speeder looks decent. Fairly reminiscent of the one in the episode. That is one pathetic turret- a camera/rocket launcher (depends on how you view it)piece? Oh well. It's not really a problem, as it has some useful parts in it.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
"Drummed out?" Don't they mean killed? If five grown clowns can't fight, wouldn't the Kaminoans just "recondition" them? That's disappointing that the siege is only one episode...This really does need to be a trilogy. The way it's going, the episode is going to be Anakin and Obi-Wan showing up, talk with Shaak Tii, fight a little, and then bam, it's over. J...Jar Jar?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
Not if I have my say first. How about Matthew Stover? Shatterpoint and his Ep. III book were excellent. As far as "on topic" goes, there's not much to say until there's new information, which is unlikely, so we wait for the first ep. to come out.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Speaking of Bothan spies... That would be a great set. I would guess that another Naboo set is going to show up in the near future. Lego has already revived the Gungan mold, so it seems likely.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
I wouldn't quite call it brilliant, though... that would be a disservice to the truly great sci-fi authors out there. Traviss was one of the few people to actually try to make an actually culture for a race, though, as overly-utopian as it was. Something like that. It might have had something to do with the live-action show, too.
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