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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by martinnygaard

  1. A argitechnical straw baler is what comes into my mind.
  2. Great looking tractor - nice to see some more farming equipment. Looking forward to see the video :-) I have been looking for a rear wheel like that for ages - Would you reveal where you bought them?
  3. The drifting wasn't a problem for me, unless it drives at ridiculous speed. if you scale up the truck, it ran faster than a truck speed limit. in prototype i'm working at different tracksystems. i'm still using the "momorail"-guideline, but im trying to make a solution for a shifting track. Making it possible to drive different courses. one of my goals is making a bus which stops pickning up passangers, while a regular car overtakes it. :)
  4. is could run the truck as fast as my tracklayout allowed. Biggest problem was the truck would drift in fast turns.
  5. I've tried this som years ago. First i used lego train to make a smart car go arround in an Car washing system at LEGOWORLD 2011. ( )I renewed the system and integrated an NXT in every car. Itgave me the possibility of connecting multiple cars. I made a system where 2 cars drives a "8" (circle with a cross) and stops and wait at each other at the cross.
  6. Uhh, that looks like a racing truck - but do you think it will beat an Combine? I have my doubt! A fantastic model, Lasse! I've always liked your MOCs. Especially your SNOT details!
  7. Hello, i'm working on a program to my Road System. (http://www.eurobrick...em#entry1497823) My problem is in the "Wait"-block. When i want it to wait at "go"-signal, then there's a "!" in the corner of the icon, and i haven't any idea why? The same is with the "!Rotation sensor" ? i do hope someone know what this is. I have to make the program work before LEGO Fan Weekend at friday. ;-)
  8. I've build a vacuumpump some time age. A engine with a crankshaft is turning regular 2-way cylinders and valves at the same time (opposite LPE) If the motor runs one way it create pressure - opposite vacuum ;-)
  9. in my opinion, 8053 Mobile Crane's B-model is one of the worst. :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZezdsD958IE
  10. Accetly it's very simple - and take no time to build - From i got the idea, the first prototype was driven after 2 hours.
  11. And now it runs - Completly new system with a kind of "mono-track" it follows.
  12. That looks really compact! i'll try that on my Manitou - Thanks!
  13. I'm currently working at a system that don't look like a big story from outside, but accetly it's a hole lot bigger than that. A driving car in a City-Layout at LEGO Exhabitions. Like this one i made earlier: In this video, it's a small RC Track with a custom train underneath the table, that drives the car via magnets. My new and bigger experiments is a Mindstorms robot driving round under the road plates, and then drives the car. There's lot of possibilitys like Stoping for red, turn a random way each time. More cars at the same way (Maybe a police car following a Bank robber) beaing able to drine in a gas station, parking lot ect.) (Figure the rest out yourself) I run a lot of prototype tests before making the complete model and program, just to make sure every little detail run exactly like it should. The first prototype is to make the robot be inside a area. I really don't like, if the model gets crazy and drive away from it's route, to the table edge and falling to earth. Therefor i made a Square of red PVC-Tape (Electrial-tape). like a big fat wall the robot can't cross. The next prototype is the LineFollowing program. I use the "Mindsensor LineFollower-sensor, and it works. it's kinda zig-zag, but i think it's my PID. Trying to adjust it, but i'm almost guessing. Haha Sorry the bad Video quallity. The test layout will be like this: - The black line at the "LineFollower" video it matching the road above.
  14. A Case IH 9120 Combine at tacks it is! Read more about it in Dluders threat here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=54568&hl=%2Bcase+%2Bcombine
  15. Thanks Carsten Svendsen, I have found the page that fills my needs. http://www.generationrobots.com/lego-mindstorms-nxt-robot-communication-with-a-pc,us,8,42.cfm
  16. Thanks Lipko - it's done.Now going to make som Technic-stuff for this Corner.
  17. I have this Siemens MC35i (RS232 GSM Modem) witch i want to send a message, when the robot want's it send a message to the computer witch then send message to the GSM Module. you can erad about the SM Module here: http://extremeelectr...oller-tutorial/ The entire setup is because i have to make my mindstorms send me a text message, when there is a problem in the setup. It's for a city-layout in a LEGO Exhabition. as alternative i can use a net "SMS-service" - that will require the PHP script "GET". I really hope someone is able to help me - i'm stuck in the project right now.
  18. First question, Is anyone of you good into RobotC? I have this Siemens MC35i (RS232 GSM Modem) witch i want to send a message, when the robot want's it send a message to the computer witch then send message to the GSM Module. you can erad about the SM Module here: http://extremeelectronics.co.in/microchip-pic-tutorials/rs232-communication-using-pic18f4520s-usart-pic-microcontroller-tutorial/ The entire setup is because i have to make my mindstorms send me a text message, when there is a problem in the setup. It's for a city-layout in a LEGO Exhabition. Thanks - and i will as soon something is worth lokking at
  19. Hello everyone. Here i'll post all my MOC's, questions ect. Feel free til ask!
  20. now i got the RobotC programming - and understand the PID. But i can't figure out how to change the PID-values en the "sample files" from Mindsensors i RobotC? Anyone who can help?
  21. Nope, i'm totaly new in PID-Controllers - unfortunatly we havn't heard anything about that yet, in school (Electrician education) - and when i read about it at Wikipedia, it sounds complicated. So i use the simple "Follow the line"-block in the NXT-G software. I've already spend my trail-period in RobotC, and i find it very simple and usefull. (Because of my self-learned webside designer experiance) but i just not have the credit for buying a licens right now. as said in first topic, a video will come - maybe tomorrow, if i find the time.
  22. Carsten, The gain Values, is that the 8 values from the sensors? The black line is 0 excatly and white is between 40 and 100. The sensor is calibrated after the instrutions. I use electrican isolationtape for the black line. But itøs the same result at the TestPad from Mindstorms.
  23. Hi all LEGO lovers! I've bought this Mindsensors LineLeader sensor some weeks ago. But i'm not really satisfied with the result. The veichle zig-zag a lot, and i saw some videos of this sensor at Youtube (like Xander's) but my result is net even close to his. A picture and a video will come soon. my question is; What is your experiences of the sensor? is there a minimum wheel size, for making it work properly? maybe the sensor has to be a minimum distance from the driveaxle? Hope some of you guys can help me - need it to drive 100% correct all the time, 'cause the veichle will drive UNDER a table at LEGO exhibitions.
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