Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
You are a superstar. I will work my way through the rest of the list and see if there’s anything else I need help with. Contemplating buying some spray paint for the LBG half barrels. I have 4 on my 10030 ISD but not sure if I want to take them off just yet! Edit: just discovered that @phaelon‘s post on page 1 is scrollable. All I saw was a list of wrong parts. Now I’ve scrolled across I can see the better versions/colours. Thanks for that!
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
I should say before I start that I’m a noob at building Mocs. I have a fairly extensive UCS collection but haven’t built anything not boxed since I was a kid 30 years ago... I bought the instructions to the neb about 18 months ago but am finally getting around to amassing the pieces. I’ve used the parts list on rebrickable to create a bricklink wanted list and have been working through that manually and alphabetically to assign a max price for each part. I have stumbled across part 30603 Slope 2 x 2 No Studs, with 3 Side Pistons Raised Edges which rebrickable states I need 4 of in LBG. According to BL that part doesn’t exist in LBG. Having gone back to check the rebrickable parts list I note a few others with “colour error”. What should I do about this particular piece and is there an errata for the parts list please?
[MOC] UCS CR-90 Corellian Corvette – Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
I've finally got the cash to buy the parts I need for your Neb B and GR-75. Would happily wait a little longer before tackling Bricklink if it means I could buy the parts for this too. I have the UCS Tantive IV but it doesn't look a patch on this. Excellent work. Looking forward to seeing a fleet shot please!
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
Sounds intriguing Mortesv. Always good to see refinements. If you have the capacity to do so, could you annotate what parts are replaced and new in your mods so people could copy? That's if you are managing with the sleepless nights a newborn brings! Congrats on parenthood it's a blast. I just built a little plane with my 3 year old!
- [MOC] UCS Medical Frigate - Further Improvements and INSTRUCTIONS
[MOC] NEW UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
I can't believe I missed this. I've been keeping my fingers crossed and you've come up trumps. That sir is an incredible build and I will pay whatever good money is required to own one. I love the intricate attention to detail throughout. One question though. How would you rate the complexity of the build? I'm no beginner but would hate to invest in this and hit a wall I couldn't get around
[MOC] UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
Merry Christmas everyone! An unashamed bump on this thread to re highlight just how awesome a MOC this is and keep my fingers crossed for a late Christmas present from Mortesv in the form of the LDD file for this frigate!
[MOC] The Dao of Star Wars
They are both amazing. The detailing is wonderful
[MOC] Pirate Interstellar Tug
That's a great MOC. I've clearly not read enough SW to have come across this before but me likey!
- [MOC] Coruscant Hi-Rise,
[MOC] UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
That makes me happy. I wait with bated breath. I suppose the longer I wait the more money I can save for bricklinking!
[MOC] UCS Nebulon B - Medical Frigate 'Redemption'
Hi Mortesv, First time poster but long term Star Wars Lego fan. I've got a dozen or so UCS models and am very interested in expanding my collection. I have tinkered with MLCad and LDD in the past but am no designer. You however, are a master. I know I'm only the latest in a long list but I would really like to build your model. For me it is an outstanding example of what the AFOL community can do. No pressure but are you any closer to a releasable set of instructions/LDD file?
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