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About notpennysboat

  • Birthday 05/25/1984

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Castle Theme
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    CMF S22 + 60326 Squirrels !

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    Hi everybody, I'm John, 31 years old (2015), I live in Lille, north of France.

    Into Castle since my childhood, I have a medieval fantasy collection.

    Some castles and medieval builds, kings and queens, princes and princesses, knights, guards, maids, housekeepers, witches, warlocks, genies, gorgoyles, statues, warriors, amazons, etc.

    Also a medieval village with inns, taverns, farms, mills, animals (cows, ckickens, pigs, rabbits, sheep. Still not goat.)
    Pirates are including in the fantasy part plus some extra themes (Star Wars, Harry Potter, CMF licenced or not, Ideas, Ninjago, Creator, City, etc.)

    Have fun, play LEGO :)


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  1. After 6 years, the 71040 Disney Castle is getting retired and we'll get a series 3 next year, don't you think we'll also have a new Disney D2C to replace the one leaving the catalog?
  2. Wow ! Really interesting ! Thank you :) I thought that the reused parts were "just" sent for assembly, I didn't know that counted as a new mold depending on whether it was in such and such a set, produced in such or such a place. Aaah TLM2, a good memories for me, about the The Magician of Oz Minifigures. I remember in 2016, I made a prediction in here, I was sure there would be five Wizard of Oz sets in 2019 because it was an anniversary and we already had Wicked Witch in Dimension set in 2015 and a futur Toto with the Dog Show Winner (CMF16). Five sets, like the Scooby-Doo line in 2015. I was wrong, we didn't have 5 sets, but we still have the 4 characters in TLM2 CMF for the 90th anniversary of the movie. But still, I was happy to have guessed 4 LEGO minifigs 3 years before their release
  3. I think the contrary, vehicles are everywhere, I'm not against it, I'm just not into it. People have wanted LEGO animals for a long time because there were none or very few of them during a long time (unlike Playmo : I've been waited 30 years between the calf and piglet Playmo and the LEGO ones this year). City is a great theme to bring them, different animals from different places/situations, it's always a "plus" for a set. With the previous years and this year, I think we will get more animals for sure. In City theme, CMF... LEGO has that thing with "new animals by year", I have all the CMF leaflet on my restroom door and I often have that reflexion When I saw the Friends giraffe a few months ago, I immediatly thought of the lions and elephants from last year's sets and I thought there would soon be some in the City theme, with classical forms. It's clear that Friends has a privileged link with animals, the classical ones are rarer and that's why I started this discussion in this City thread and the animals one :) I love them since my childhood. Majisto's gray parrot had a big place in my childhood stories
  4. CMF animals often finish in BAM, it's cool, I live at 1 mile from the Store, but I don't really count it as an reuse, even if it is, I know... I mean, the Nagini mold, the mohawk cat, the turtle, are in sets now, available for almost everybody. I feel lucky to live near to a LEGO Store and get a new terrier color or a new chameleon color. It lasts a time. Then, the BAM changes. I would have loved to see the 2015 Cobra in Ninjago sets, or City, or anywhere else in addition to BAM reappearance. Talking about that, in what set the French bulldog is reused ? It's cool !
  5. ahah great choices of animals ! I'd love that too ! Nice reuse for the turtle ! I loved the camels and ostriches from the Prince of Persia theme. It was in 2010. Don't you think they could have the same problem with the goat mold ? If we get camel and ostrich again, and I really hope it, we'll probably have new molds for them.
  6. Absolutly ! 2017 / Jungle : black panther, leopard, tiger 2018 / Arctic : mammoth, smilodon (polar bear and husky are from 2014 Arctic line / Police Mountain : black bear, puma (and reuse of skunk) / General : eagle 2019 / reuse of skunk in Fire line 2020 / Deep Sea Explorers : new shark, angler fish, ray / Police & general : bulldog / General (safari) : lioness 2021 / Wildlife Rescue Theme : new monkey, lion, cub lion, elephant, baby elephant 2022 / Squirrel in General, Police and Farm / Farm : piglet, calf, lamb / Advent Calendar : new foal We could have a Safari line (like the only Safari set in 2020 with the lioness), it could bring giraffe, wildebeest, meerkat or zebra ? Or a desert line, with new snake, camel, fennec ? I'd like the Safari line !
  7. Exactly ! I don't forget how cool animals we had and still have in CMF. Flamingo and skunk are great examples. It's a proper theme to have a lumberjack and a beaver or a even a raccoon. The sad thing is that the animals from CMF are rarely reused :( We've seen the seagull, the chihuahua or the skunk in some sets, not a lot. I wonder if we'll see again the flamingo, the turtle or the toucan ? I remember a great cobra mold in 2015 (series 13), I only saw it a few times in BAM.
  8. lol I know that, I also knew a farm with peacock :) I was a Xena fan, so I often visited them to see if the peacock had lost a feather :o About the Ninjago "wolf", it's in the set 70671, from 2019, a white wolf with 3 tails. With a medieval fantasy theme, a three-tailed white wolf was okay. I loved the mold and I thought we'd see it again in grey with a new tail, but no :( I'm still expecting it !
  9. In 1992, I played with LEGO Town, Pirates, Castle but I always kept my Playmo Farm with piglets and calf because I wanted this farm in LEGO. I waited 30 years to have the LEGO equivalent ! I have one but will take another one, my medieval farms are missing of piglets and calfs ! I would love some new additions for the farm : goat (!), duck, rooster, chick, goose, peacock, turkey... Apart from Farm theme, 2022 was a good year for animals : squirrels in 3 colors, the one in the big farm set was unexpected but really appreciated in grey. We had the black and brown ones in a little City set. Wa also had foal, kittens, a new color for the lion cub becoming a baby black panther and a new color for baby crocodile and hare. I would love a wolf, we almost had one in Ninjago Theme, except it has 3 tails. A beaver too
  10. I wonder if we can expect another great year for animals in City Theme ? I loved the Jungle Theme in 2017, the Wildlife Rescue Theme in 2021 and the Farm Theme this year.
  11. A castle to replace a great selling castle would be the best choice. You say Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland, great idea but which one ? The one in Paris in pink (!) plus it's the only one with a dragon lair and the dragon, imagine that in D2C ? We already had Maleficient, in series 3 we could have Aurora + the 3 fairies. It seems good combination.
  12. I would love to ! We had first series in 2016, second in 2019, I thought it would be 2022, I hope for 2023 ! It's a shame, 3 or 4 years between each Disney series, it's hard to wait knowing all the materials LEGO could do with Disney/Pixar characters. Plus, the 2 series were accompagned by a D2C (Disney Castle in 2016, Train and Station in 2019). I don't know if the train and station set was a good selling ? It stayed 2 years on sell whereas the Castle is still on sell after 6 years. If series 3 is coming, I would say a D2C is coming too, maybe one in order to replace the Castle ?
  13. That's too bad, I really thought there was another colour, especially on 60316 where it looks well darker than 60317 and 60326. Thank you all of you ! Anyway, I still want them all !
  14. I see the same colour in 60316 and 60330 and a different colour in 60317 and 30326.
  15. Yes, it is brown, not dark brown - brown : 60316 ; 60330 - caramel brown : 60317 ; 60326 - black : 60326 - grey : 60329 I know the real name is not "caramel brown" but I don't know the LEGO appelation for this color.
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